Ryder: imagine for @broadwaybaby4321 part 1

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Dedicated to the amazing broadwaybaby4321

Walking down the hallway trying to be unnoticed was sort of a struggle for me. Every time I tried to stay hidden I ended flat on my face with all the kids laughing at me. I tugged my grey hoodie over my face and headed to my locker. I got my books and starting heading to my first class with my head down, silently congratulating myself for getting this far.

And then I banged into something, something hard, as hard as bricks making me drop my books and fall to the floor. My books spilled all over the ground.

So much for going unnoticed.

I sighed and began to pick up my books until I saw another hand helping me pick them up.

I awkwardly looked up to see the face on beauty itself.

Ryder Lynn.

Oh great I had just run into Ryder Lynn.

"Watch where your going weirdo." Josh called from behind him. Next to Josh was about five of the other football players.

Great I had an audience.

"I-I was J-just-" I started.

"Save it for someone who cares, Idiot," another one said. Tears burnt my eyes but I knew I was stronger than that.

"I'm sorry about them, hurting people is just what they do best," Ryder smiled sadly, looking into my blue eyes. I think he was intending for them not to hear but they did.

"Excuse me." one of them said.

"Are you seriously being nice to her."

"She's a loser."

"I can't believe you would betray us like that."

"Even you can do better." Josh finally said. I wasn't sad anymore, I was fuming but before I could go full out Jackie Chan on their sorry loser butts, Ryder did it for me.

"You know what I'm done with you." He stood up from picking up my books and looked Josh strait in the eyes." I'm done with you trying to control me. It's my life not yours, deal with it."

"Oh, you wanna fight me because we can have that arranged." Josh spoke looking amused

"Sure, I'll start it off." Ryder said throwing a punch to Josh's eye and kicked him in the shin. Josh fraught back throwing a punch to the shoulder, aiming for the face but Ryder dodged.

"Ryder, stop." I cried, but he didn't listen. "This is all my fault."

I ran as fast as I could through the almost empty halls into my classroom ignoring shouts from Ryder telling me to "wait." Why was everything that involved me so horrible.

About halfway into the class Ryder turned up all bruised and battered and sat in the only seat that wasn't already taken.

Next to me...

I will the other part next. Hope you enjoyed it even though it sucks. And it may have grammar mistakes because I haven't edited it yet.

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