How he asked you out (part 1)

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He placed a letter in your locker that said come to the auditorium. You walked in and no one was their, then the light flashed on and Finn was standing on the stage. He told you to take a seat and you did. He stood on the stage and said "Y/N, the first time I laid eyes on you I knew you were special. I think this song says it all." He sung All of Me and at the end asked you out on a date. You said yes and he later went on to take you to a Broadway stage for your first date.

You were walking to your locker annoyed with getting detention from the maths teacher when someone bumped into you making you and whoever the person was fall to the ground. "Watch it." You snarled until you looked up and saw you had just bumped into the schools bad boy which made you want to take back you words. "Feisty, I like it." He smirked getting up. "I'm Puck." "I know who you are." You mumbled getting nervous. "Of Course you do." He laughed making you let out a small giggle. You talked for a while until you had to go to class after exchanging phone numbers. He texted you in class asking is you wanted to come to his house after school which you could only reply yes to.

You were walking down the almost empty hallway when you heard the sound of a slushy getting thrown to the person behind you. You turned around to see the very cute, humiliated boy covered in red slushy that you recognised was the new kid in glee club. You smiled sympathetically and led him and his adorable puppy dog eyes to the girls bathroom to clean him up. "Thanks, you didn't have to do that you know." He said. "I know, I wanted to!" You talked for a while and he reminded you about the duets competition in glee club and asked you if you would be his partner. You told him he had to convince you so the next day after school he sung a practise duet with you and after that you kissed so you were convinced to do a duet with him. Then you guys one the duet competition and the prize was a dinner at Bredstix.

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