Chapter 28

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Dara felt sore. All over. Like going in the gym on the first day with your gym trainer pushing you at your limit when your muscles are still all over the place.

She opened her eyes to see the pristine white ceiling of the room then drifted over to the curtains billowing in the wind from the open balcony and saw the sun's rays streaming through it.

And smiled.

She quietly turned her head to the side and saw Donghae sleeping soundly beside her, one of his arm around her waist over the blanket he probably pulled over her. She watched him sleep for minute, her eyes roving his face, taking it all. She lifted her hand and gingerly touched his cheek, her heart aching at the thought that this might probably the last time she would get to touch him. Last night... or was it early this morning...? It was beautiful. His every touch, every kisses, every caress.... Nothing would ever come close as beautiful as that.

And she knew that this is that one day that she would never ever regret.

She slowly leaned her head closer to his and planted a soft kiss at the tip of his nose. He was so out of it that he didn't even shift.

Dara slowly lifted his arm off her waist careful not to jar him awake before she looked around the room. There were clothes strewn on the floor and she reddened when she saw her pants and her underwear. She quietly slid off the side of the bed and hastily took her clothes—where's her shirt? She covered herself with the clothes she was able to grab before she made a silent run to the bathroom, making a face at the faint pain of her body.

Thankfully, Donghae had some shirts neatly folded in his bathroom closet so she took one and put it on. A little too big for her but it'll do, though it didn't cover the hickeys on her neck. Donghae was still sleeping when she stepped out, lying in the same position as to the time when she woke up. She watched him for a couple more minutes before she decided to cook him breakfast.

Which is hotdogs, eggs, and noodles.

She snickered imagining the look on his face when he found what breakfast she cooked for him. There wasn't much of anything I could work inside your fridge. Same answer she would probably tell him.

She cleaned the mess she made in the kitchen before she started to fry the hotdog then realized that she did the sequence wrong. She should've cooked first before she cleaned the kitchen because now, she would have to clean it all over again. She sighed as she started to wipe the bits of oil that splattered on the side of the stove.

She was already buttering the bread she toasted when she heard a door open and she smiled widely as Donghae strode in, his hair disheveled. He was in his trousers that hanging low on his hips and he was shirtless. Her eyes immediately went to his naked torso, heart pounding loudly as the image of her kissing that, touching it, replayed in her head.

"'morning," Donghae greeted her sleepily as he pulled the stool chair on the counter and sat down.

Dara cleared her suddenly dry throat and forced herself to look in his face. "Good morning. Coffee?"

"Yes, please." Then he looked at the plate of hotdogs and buttered toast. He lifted his eyes with an amused smile. "Breakfast?"

"Uh huh." She nodded while she poured him a steaming cup and placed it in front of him. "Again, you don't have anything for me to work on."

He let out a soft chuckle before reaching for the toast to take a bite. Dara poured herself a cup before taking a seat on the stool across from him watching him as he eat. Somehow, the line from a Chris Brown song played inside her head.

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