Chapter 15

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"Yo! Donghae."

Donghae lifted his eyes from his monitor to look at Eunhyuk who was standing in front of his desk with a bemused expression as he snapped his fingers in front of his face.

Donghae cleared his throat and returned his focus back at his monitor. "What?"

"Aish," Euhyuk said shaking his head at him. "You haven't heard a word I said, did you?"

"I'm busy," Donghae just replied.

"Yeah. Too busy being comatose," Eunhyuk said with a smirk. "Do you realize you have been staring at your monitor for about 15 minutes when I came in? Without moving? I don't even want to ask how long you have been catatonic before I entered. What is up with you, man? You are completely so...." He looked at the ceiling as if looking for the right term and just decided on a much more general word. "...distracted these days."

Donghae stopped moving his mouse on the graph he is working on as thoughts of Dara earlier that day entered his brain unwelcomingly. Again. "Aish!" Donghae exclaimed in an aggravated tone as he pushed his mouse and keyboard away and stood up pinching the bridge of his nose with his one hand and putting the other on his waist. Dammit, he can't concentrate for more than a week now!

He knew what's wrong with him. And it's Sandara Park.

God, why can't he get her out of his mind? He only did what he needs to do. He was just being honest with her. He can't date at this moment. Not at this point when he's trying to win back accounts that they have lost. His father entrusted him with this position and he had worked so hard to get this company retain its reputation. This is all he had ever cared about and all he had ever thought of.

He was always driven by his ambition, his dream. Always seeking ways on how to be better than his competitors. Better than his dad in handling this company. Working, working, working. That is his daily life and his comfort zone.

And Sandara Park is wrecking that very ideal he had set up for himself. That goal. And the way she looked at him after that meeting like she loathes him.... Dammit, it's bothering him so much that he couldn't focus anymore.

Eunhyuk was surprised at his sudden show of agitation. He had never seen his friend lose his cool before. Is he that stressed? "Alright, not distracted," Eunhyuk retracted putting his palms up like he's trying to calm down a raging bull. Knowing Donghae, this is probably the closest to a rage Eunhyuk had ever witnessed. "Just... a little bit too... pressured?" He couldn't think of a better word.

Donghae looked at Eunhyuk and exhaled sharply. "I need a fuckin' drink." He slowly sat down on his chair feeling so exhausted.

Eunhyuk was surprised at that. Donghae rarely curse too. In fact, he could probably count the times he heard Donghae swear with just one hand. Wow, his friend is really stressed. A first time for Donghae since he's usually the one causing everybody stress.

"Okay," Eunhyuk said with a shrug trying to appease him. "Do you want me to get you a beer? Or something stronger?"

Donghae picked up a pen and tapped it on his table as he regarded Eunhyuk with a reproaching look. "This is all your fault."

"What the hell did I do?" Eunhyuk said wryly.

"I told you to get me someone unimportant. One who doesn't matter and who did you get?" He was pointing his pen in Eunhyuk's direction.

Eunhyuk was at a loss at what Donghae is talking about and it took a moment before it dawned on him. "Are you... talking about... that date? Dara?"

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