[Entry 11] Two Things I'll Never Understand

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BLOG ENTRY ELEVEN: There are exactly two things in this world I will never understand. One being the stock market (seriously, who came up with that). The other one would be the need for Americans to bring guns to the grocery store. What are they going to do? Shoot a turkey? (It's already dead, precooked, and on sale for $11.99.)

Now, I do understand that having a weapon with a permit is legal in America. BUT, I think it would be a little more comfortable for everybody if said weapon was not sitting in a holster on the hip of a slightly overweight and mildly smelly man in CLEAR sight for everyone to see. I've seen pictures of people on various social media websites with weapons tucked in the top of waistbands and in holsters with the captions expressing the exact same concern as me. I had yet to actually see someone with a gun at the store in person, but I had the great pleasure this afternoon. Let me set the scene for you:

There I was standing in line, becoming a tad impatient because I was behind a very large family (there were at least six kids and two parents and a possible uncle). The father shifted his body 32 degrees to the left, just enough for me to catch a glimpse of a handgun buckled to his hip. The smidge of respect I had for him (I usually try to assume everyone is a semi good person until they prove me otherwise) was thrown on the ground, just as the littlest child's left shoe had been. I instinctively stood back a few inches, trying to put a comfortable distance between us. From the way he'd been fussing at his kids and arguing with the possible uncle, I had a feeling he was already feeling a bit antsy. There was no way I was going to tempt him to use the dang thing on his hip.


I had a whole debate about this with myself in the shower, and I still have yet to come up with any sort of explanation. Just an eyeful of shampoo.

(This whole post is a mess and I'm only writing it because Mom paid me ten bucks to. Lunch is on me tomorrow, Ms. Nosy Lady.)

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