[Entry 21] Allergic to Dish Soap

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BLOG ENTRY TWENTY-ONE:  (I've seem to have developed quite a nasty rash on my knuckles due to regularly doing the dishes despite the fact that both my mother and I are allergic to dish soap.  A tragedy, really.)

School started back this Monday.  New year, new classes, new people to pretend to like.  (Let's be honest, I stopped pretending to like anybody a LONG time ago.)  I had imagined the transition to new classes to be a lot easier, but in reality it was like the first the day of school all over again: a train wreck of teenage hormones and world-consuming anxiety.  

I ran into six people who were all lost on their way to first class, was knocked over by two more people (who I may or may not have cussed out), and HAD.  MY.  TOES.  STEPPED.  ALL.  OVER.  BY.  EVERYONE.  IN.  THE.  ENTIRE.  SCHOOL.  

Literally, look where you are going.  One foot in front of the other; it's not that hard, I promise.  Been doing it for almost 17 years now.  

Ms. Nosy Lady has been sick with the flu.  Don't tell her this, but I kinda miss our daily meetings.  

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