[Entry 19] Whale Bellies and the Principal's Office

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BLOG ENTRY NINETEEN:  (In which I really wish I didn't write out the number and used the actual numerical form for convenience, but no.)  On today's show of Ophelia's Extremely Relatable Therapy Blog:  birthdays.  

So, as today is the over celebrated SWEET SIXTEEN, I thought I would address birthdays.  (PS, sixteen is overrated.  I much preferred being fifteen and socially not obligated to answer the question: Have you gotten your driver's license, yet?  Literally just turned sixteen two minutes ago, calm down.)  Birthdays are the day to celebrate our escape from our mother's whale bellies via their hoohas.  While the doctor literally put their hands in their hoohas.  While our dads probably watched.  

And then, yearly, we celebrate this.  We celebrate coming out of our mother's hoohas.  

(Rest In Peace the Ophelia from two years ago that wrote this.)

But on a completely unrelated note, coughing on people while you have the flu is apparently worth a trip to principal's office (which I haven't been to in two whole weeks!!).  

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