just see what happens

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Seasons of change are when you become most vulnerable, and as a result, are cracked open enough to notice things about yourself—good and bad—that you were oblivious to before. 

And I’ve been learning so much about myself lately.

One of the things I’ve learned is how much I think. When I’m running, driving in a car, eating a meal, having a conversation, writing, answering calls, listening to music, reading a book…my brain is constantly going

I’ve been aware of this for a while, but never realized how easy it is for me to develop “think too much” syndrome. 

Can you relate? 

I think many of us struggle with the same thing: regretting the past, overanalyzing the present, trying to plan all the details of our future. 

The positive side of it is that we put a ton of thought and care into life, and into understanding ourselves and others in the context of it all. 

But, the downside is this intense desire for control. When we try to control the past, present, and future, it begins to feel like we’re constantly pushing against life—trying to force things in one direction and making it harder for us to enjoy the journey life is going to take us on regardless. 

It’s like watching a latest movie and eating your favourite food. At the same time. Even if you want to continue to eat it just ain’t gonna happen, you know?

I’m learning that I don’t need to have everything figured out all the time. I don’t need to be perfect. I don’t need to over-apologize for my occasional messiness and stay stuck in regret. I don’t need to understand and explain how I feel 24/7. And I don’t have to know exactly what I want at all times. 

You don’t, either. 

What if we stopped fighting against life so hard and just…surrendered? 

At worse, we’ll take a wrong turn. At best, we’ll have the time of our lives. And either way, we’ll learn a ton about ourselves and have more fun while we do it. 

It just feels so much better—so much freer—to not be constantly in a battle with yourself, with others, or more broadly, with life. 

What would happen if we stopped trying to figure out precisely how we feel, deciding exactly what we want…and just see what happens, instead? 

What kind of magic could we experience in the space we give ourselves to just breathe in life?

I’m committed to finding out. To surrendering more…and having fun with wherever life takes me.

In what area of life would it behoove you surrender? 

What one thing can you do right now to worry less, and enjoy more?

Put that one thing into practice this day. I can’t wait to hear about what happens.

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