We're still alive

20 1 11

You blew me up once and it hurt

Ugly revenge is ready to try is again for a ring the size of a pen

Ratty bean lady wants jumping her and her man

I think she wants to fold on her investment

She's offering me a pair of skates

He's offering me his wheelchair

Each of us can find our own rabbit

Say it needs an oil filter and why wait here

Carly can get her five point inspection

Hell I'll buy her new tires 

Eat rubber baby so you will not get metal poking your gums

And I'll come sweep baby swinging around the corners

Trap the trust in me we'll tape over her to keep her from rusting

Inside I'll toss Downy the quilt so she smells nice

Now my baby I will gas you up in dro methanol tanking

Gold darknet we're about to explode

Now take us back to the start where that duck fluffed our pillows

We're going on a rocky ride get you ice cream 

Thank me later if we're still alive

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