Chapter 9

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"Do you think Ms. Garcia will like them?" My brother asked me as we began to put cupcake icing on the cupcakes.

"I think she will because we put in our Falcon secret ingredient," Jen answered as we all sighed and said in unison ,"chocolate."

"Come on let's finish the-" I was suddenly cut off when the house phone rang. I answered immediately and said in a happy tone "hello, this is the Falcon residents, your speaking wit-"

"Mia, could you come over here. It's an emergency."

"Chase, I can't exactly just lea-"

"Please Mia"

I groaned and answered ", fine, I'll be there in 3 minutes."

Hanging up, I turned over to my siblings and asked "who would like to come and visit my friends house?"

They both looked at each other before answering in unison "ok!"

I grabbed their hands and ran out of the house and before we knew it, we were in front of the Davenport household. "Ok, what's the emergency?" I asked once I stepped through the door, my siblings in tow.

A tall rich kid turned around and said "woah, who's the gorgeous young woman you have bestowed upon my line of eyesight."

I raised an eyebrow at him ", how old are you? As a matter of fact, what is going on?"

Chase grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him, silently whispering "that's Clayton, Pierce's son. The guy who keeps driving on our lawn in the middle of the night."

"Jerk" I mumbled under my breath, glaring at him.

"Look, I'll get right to the point. You have been driving your car across my yard at night and it needs to stop." Mr. Davenport asked/commanded.

"Not gonna happen but I will pay you to stop talking. What's your price?"

"Are you trying to pay me off? I'm a billionaire."

Pierce began to mock ",Wow, just a billionaire; must be rough. Well if you ever need a loan you know where I live. It's the castle at the top of the hill that casts a shadow over your entire existents."

"Please, you do not have more money than I do." Mr. Davenport scoffed.

Peirce took out his phone and began sliding the screen to show us all the zeroes. Every time he slid the screen, we uttered a woah as Mr. Davenport began to turn pale.

"Oh yeah? Well I see one zero that's not on this screen. Ha! Take that!" Mr. Davenport tried to reassure himself.

"Someone's about to start crying," Bree sang while walking towards me.

"Look, okay, enough is enough, what is it going to take for you to stop driving on my lawn?" Mr. Davenport yelled frustrated.

"I can't think of a thing. Goodnight."

"No! You are not leaving until we resolve this!"

"Fine! How about a contest? We can settle this on the racetrack. My stock car against yours. You do own a stock car, don't you?" Pierce asked, raising an eyebrow him.

Mr. Davenport scoffed "Of course I own a stock car and when I win it, you stop driving your car on my lawn."

It was as if Pierce and Clayton had a silent agreement because suddenly, Pierce said ",Oh no! I think we should play for much bigger stakes like the deeds to each other's houses. Also, the girl wearing the red leather jacket is my son's betrothed one and is to have no contact with any of you or your family."

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