Part 2 Wedding Day | Lilith

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I was shopping in the market the day before our wedding when I ran into Tommy's mother. I'd never met her before and assumed she wouldn't know who I was, but I was wrong. She looked me up and down and smirked.

"Tomorrow is it?"

"Yes. Not that it's any of your business."

"All I can say to you is good luck! He'll get bored of you and quick. Those Brown Boys only want one thing, you'll see. Can hardly blame him though, give him my love darling."

You know sometimes I really thought Thomas was just being dramatic. But she really was a cow. Just because her marriage was a disaster doesn't mean ours will be.

Although what she said did make me worry. I know that's exactly what she was trying to do, but I was nervous as it is. I decided not to tell him I saw her, at least until after the wedding.

He cheered me up, though. I got home and he kissed me and had such a childlike excitement about everything how couldn't I be happy.

"Tomorrow! Tomorrow you'll be my wife! Mrs Brown! Bloody hell! After years waiting it's finally here!"

Would have thought he was drunk he was so giddy. I have no doubt in my heart that he loves me, I love him deeply.

The day came and it was perfect. More than we could have hoped for, until the announcement about Hitler and the army and whatnot. As much as after the announcement ended I tried to forget it and enjoy our night, I couldn't shake the fear in my gut about my Tommy having to go out there and fight.

My father fought in the first great war, and it sounded absolutely horrifying. Like nothing anyone who wasn't there could imagine. Almost unreal that any person should be forced to endure such a thing. I couldn't believe we would be as foolish as to let it happen again, maybe it won't. But it's a scary, scary thought.

I was quite merry and woke up in bed at home as Tommy was putting me down. He tried to reassure me everything would be fine, and he wouldn't have to go, but in my heart I knew that probably wasn't the truth, and I think he knew that. He sounded just as, if not more, scared than me.

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