February 1932

12 0 0

Tommys POV.
A few weeks had passed and we had spoke about it a lot. The idea of making love and the risks and if it was even what we both wanted. I understood that she was not interested in doing it unless we were going to end up together in the future, marrying and what not, and I respected that. If I'm honest, it had become quite clear to me by now that I loved her. She was everything a man could possibly want in a woman and she made me feel so wanted and loved for the first time in my life.

We had made our shed a little bit more homely. I took a blanket from home and she bought 2 cushions from the markets and put them on the bench. The bench fit both of us on quite well actually as it took up half the shed so it was like a bed already. Once we had furnished it and made it more comfortable and colourful it was like our very on bedroom. In fact, one night we fell asleep on there and didn't wake up until the next morning, we both got into a lot of trouble for that as neither of our parents knew where we had gone. I think her parents were worried whereas mine just seemed to want a reason to be angry.
"I think  at least one of us should tell our parents, Thomas."
"Yes but which one? There would be absolutely no point in telling my parents, they would shout at me but deep down they won't even be bothered."
"Yes and my mother would probably be OK with it, but influenced by my fathers complete and utter disapproval and I would never be allowed to see you again."
"Why don't you try just telling your mother then?"
"Yes, actually. I suppose I could."

I wanted to live in that shed all the time, though. As selfish as this sounds, I sometimes wished that Lilith's parents hated her as much as mine hated me, because then we could run away together and sleep in our little bed whenever we wanted, and never have to go to school if we couldn't be bothered and I could go out and get a job doing farming or labour and we could go and buy our food and do nice things together without worrying about anyone else ever again.

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