September 1931 Part 2

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Lilith's POV.

He was the boy in school that everyone liked. Or at least, people followed each other in liking because he was so popular. He was handsome, don't get me wrong. He had light blonde hair, blue eyes, his features just seemed so perfect and chiselled, almost as if he wasn't real. Couldn't fault a thing about him really, well his appearance I should say.

He was just very obnoxious and loud. Especially to teachers, it got a little bit frustrating at times. It was a shame because he seemed so smart, but people liking him and getting that laugh out of his mates was worth all the canings in the world to him.
I wasn't impressed but at the same time, I had butterflies whenever I would see him around school, but he had always ignored me so I kept that to myself. Until he started staring at me. Paying extra attention to me. Trying to get me to speak to him. I decided to play him at his own games and give him the elbow. He pretty much cornered me at the water fountain though! Proper flirt he is. I decided to let him walk me home. We spoke a lot. He is a lot more intelligent than I first gathered. He talked to me about books, about poetry, and even about his own writing! "I used to write stories when I was little and even poetry sometimes. Occasionally I do go back to writing, but I don't see the point when I don't have a person in my life, friends or family, who would read it and actually appreciate it. Not without making nasty comments first!" "What do you mean? What about your mum?" "She's not my biggest fan. In fact she doesn't seem to like me one bit. Same with my father." It kind of explained why he was so obnoxious at school, though. He is seeking the attention there that he is missing at home. We sat by the water and he offered me a cigarette! Couldn't believe my eyes. "Why do you have those?" "What do you mean" "If the teachers caught you with them it'll be more than a cane you'll be getting!" "They're only cigarettes and we're not at school are we, so what does it matter?" "Well, no thank you! Dirty habit that is" He just smiled. Even with that filthy thing in his mouth he was so handsome. Like one of them posters of them famous American Actors who are so perfectly shaped and sized not a bad thing about them, like Spencer Tracey or Clark Gable. "What you looking at Miss Perfect" he grinned. "Nothing. Disgusting!" I teased. He finished it then we sat in silence and watched the water. "Would it be okay if I kissed you, Lilith?" It was so cliche but my heart definitely skipped a beat and I felt so nervous and like a 12 year old girl! But I didn't let it show. "Do you use that on all the girls at school?" And he cut me off with a kiss. It was perfect. He was soft and gentle but it really felt special. He just looked at me and smiled. "It's getting rather dark now, you're parents will be wondering where you are and my parents probably won't but I should probably go home anyway! See you tomorrow" And we parted ways. Never would I have ever thought that I'd be kissing the most popular boy in school, by the River, after a whole evenings discussion on poetry, something had to be wrong with him!

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