Chapter Fifteen

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“What’s this?!” Harry demands the moment I answer the front door. He wafts a newspaper in my face and I grab it off him. A clear picture of me kissing Niall shines up at me. Shit. I knew getting drunk was a bad idea. “So?” I fold my arms and look like I couldn’t care less “Why do you care anyway?”

“Of course I care Holly!” Harry yells “It’s only been two days! You didn’t exactly wait did you?!” He looks generally hurt, there’s pain and tears in his eyes which make me feel guilty. I don’t understand why I should feel bad; it’s his fault I had to come home in the first place. If he’d just stood up to the people who thought I was ‘Un-royal’ we wouldn’t be here. He obviously still cares about me and that I feel the same, but he can’t be jealous of Niall. He has no right. “This is all your fault anyway Harry” I snap, grabbing the door and getting ready to close it. “Do you think I would have felt like I needed to get with Niall if you hadn’t hurt me so much?!” Damn it, why did I say that? Now he knows I care. I still don’t get why he’s here, I haven’t had time to adjust to the fact that I was all ready to get over it and go to University five minutes ago, and know that’s all disappeared. “I know” he whispers sadly “I didn’t want things to turn out this way Holly.” Suddenly he shakes his head and straightens up, glaring at me; “But that doesn’t excuse this!” he waves the paper around again “I mean, this guy?! You told me you didn’t like him!”

I ruffle my hair frustratedly “Whatever. This was your decision to send me home, not mine. Get over yourself.” I slam the door in his face and breathe heavily. I’m so angry, I want to smash something or punch the wall. What right did he have to turn up on my doorstep?! None. Part of me smiles slightly, he drove all the way down too Craster to say something he could’ve said on the phone. He must really like me, lots. Maybe I was overreacting, maybe Harry and I could’ve made it work and I never gave him the chance to explain himself. No Holly. You can’t think like this. You were all ready to get over him and that’s what you’re going to do. There are tons of guys out there who I can show me what Harry showed me, without all the aggro. This is the most confusing and frustrating thing I’ve dealt with in my eighteen years. And I’ve dealt with a lot of shit. Harry was not going to rule me.


“Holly!” I hear my mother call “Someone’s here to see you!” I grumble and tear my eyes away from the TV. Harry was here yesterday, surely it can’t be him. Right? I sit up and get up off the sofa, dragging myself into the kitchen. It wasn’t Harry; it was Joe, the middle aged man who owned the B&B at the other side of the village. I don’t get why he’d want anything to do with me. “Alright Holly?” he says in a deep voice “You know your ‘arry is staying at me ‘ouse?” Hang on; Harry is still in the village?! Why, we’d said all we needed to say. This was so stupid, Harry needed to realise this wasn’t some kind of stupid love story. This was real life; he couldn’t just wait me out and think I’ll be wooed by his determination. “Right” I say bluntly “Thanks for telling me.”

Joe coughs and scratches his beard “It’s just…. Well yur see the thing is…. He doesn’t seem ter be going anywhere and I think he’s... err… waiting for yur.”

“Okay Joe” I reply, I leave the room and go upstairs. He seems to be thinking that I’m going to go running back into Harry’s arms. He’s probably only bothered because he’ll be attracting press, the kind of thing Joe doesn’t like. I need to sort this out, once and for all. I pull my wellies on and pull my hood up, venturing out into the rain and making my way across the village. God the weather’s bad. I trek as fast as I can, going past the charity shop and pub and finally reaching the B&B. I don’t even bother knocking; I stomp upstairs and burst into Harry’s room. He’s lying on his bed, topless and on his phone. His head whips round at the sight of me. “What in hell are you doing?!” I exclaim.

“Errr, what?” Harry stammers, he sits up and turns to face me, a general look of fright in his eyes. “Why are you staying here?!” I demand “Go home Harry!”

“No” he says firmly “I’m waiting this out.” I fold my arms and throw him an unamused look “This kind of stupid gesture isn’t going to work on me!” I yell “I’m done with you Harry!”

With that I storm out the room, tears of anger falling down my face. I run outside and head to the beach, letting the rain soak me.


The rain has gotten heavier by the time I reach the little beach I once walked on with Harry. I collapse on it; the rain is so fierce it’s beginning to hurt my body. I’m so tired from crying, I’m so tired from life in general. I don’t know how to feel, I’m so hurt, I’m so alone in the world. Why does nobody seem to love me? My parents walk around as if their childless, as if I’m some kind of lodger in their lives. Harry showed me someone can care, but now he’s gone too. What is it about me? Why am I so unlovable? I lay in the wet sand, full of self-pity. Maybe this is what rock bottom feels like. With my life, it’s surprising I didn’t hit it sooner. But I was strong before. Before Harry came along and bought all my defences down. Maybe if I lay here long enough, the tide will take me with it. “You’ll catch your death out here” a voice calls. I pull the energy to move my head and I see Harry staggering towards me through the rain. He’s still topless and he’s not wearing any shoes. The only thing he has on is his jeans. Wow, this is like in the movies, I was wrong. To be honest, he’s more likely to catch his death then me. “I could say the same about you” I croak back to him, he grins at me slightly, his cheeky face glowing in the rain. When he reaches me, he sits on the floor, scooping my little body into his big arms. I don’t stop him, I don’t have the energy. I let him hold me and I nuzzle my face into his chest. He holds me tight and rubs my back, trying to keep me warm. “Better?” he whispers in my ear. I nod weakly, shielding my face from the weather. “Holly” he breathes “I want you to know how important you are too me. I mean did you really think I was just going to let you waste away on this beach or something?” How did he know what I was doing? I mean I’m not saying I was going to do that, but it crossed my mind definitely. “No” I mumble, my hot breath hitting his chest.

“Good” he says “HL, I really don’t want this to be the end of us” he pauses for a moment, turning his face up to the rain and letting it hit him. “I want to be with you. You’re not just anybody, you make me happy.” My brain is so foggy that I barely understand him, does this mean he wants to be my boyfriend again? Are we okay? “What about the reason you broke up with me in the first place?” I question, regaining a little energy.

“Screw them all” he laughs “My family like you, I like you, who cares about anyone else?” I can’t stop myself grinning; everything I felt just minutes ago has disappeared. I wrap my arms around him and risk a look at his face, he’s smiling at me. His lips find mine, warm and comforting in the cold air. He deepens the kiss, pulling me closer to him; I move my arms to around his neck and cling on. When I feel his tongue at my bottom lip, I open my mouth wider and he kisses me more passionately. After a few minutes, he finally pulls away and my whole body is left aching for more, it was the best thing I’ve ever experienced. “I love you Longford” he smiles. The words tingle my every nerve and I feel completely on fire, wanting him to say it again. This is truly, the best day of my life. Harry picks me up like a baby, walking across the beach and carrying me home. He puts me in my pyjamas and dries my hair, putting me in bed and getting in next to me. When I wake the next morning he’s still holding me in the same position and I feel so comforted. My body hurts with the happiness and my brain still can’t seem to make sense of anything. The only thought I seem to be able to comprehend is knowing that; Prince Harry Of Wales loves me.

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