Chapter Eleven

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Me and Harry drive towards the city centre and stop at Camden Market. I slip my Mum a quick text and join him, deciding to trust him and forget about the weird occurrence this morning. It’s probably not as bad as I think, I’m just being paranoid. Anyway, we walk through London’s biggest market and have a right laugh. He buys me a summer dress so I can change out of my pyjama’s, then we walk around the stalls hand in hand. It takes about an hour for paparazzi to show up, who start stalking us around the place. We try not to let it bother us, still going from stall to stall. “Oh my god, these are gorgeous!” I exclaim, running over to an array of bracelets which caught my eye from metres away. I pick up the colourful bangles and slip them on my wrist, in awe. Harry grins at me and pulls his wallet out “We’ll take them” he says to the stall owner.

“Harry” I say seriously “You’ve bought me enough already.” I indicate to my dress and necklace and raise my eyebrows at him. “Well, if I can’t treat my girlfriend, who can I treat, eh?” he asks, handing the money over. Girlfriend. Girlfriend. The word sends electric pulses all through my body and I find myself beaming up at him. Prince Harry Of Wales is my BOYFRIEND. Holy mother of fuck. I don’t think I even truly believed I met him until this point. Like I was in a dream and I’ve just woken up. Without a second thought, I throw my arms around him and kiss him passionately. I know people are watching, I know in that split second, that kiss will have been photographed a million times, but I don’t care. Everything seems worth it to be with Harry, he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. When I finally pull away he grins and whispers in my ear, “Want to get out of here?” I gulp and nod at him. “then hold on tight” he adds. Before I know it, Harry grabs my hand and we go speeding through the market, down alley ways and pushing past people. The paparazzi are right behind us, falling over each other and determined not to lose us. Harry gets to a busy road and pretends he’s going to cross it, but at the last minute he turns and pulls me down another alley way. As I turn my head, I can see a bunch of paps run across the road and I stifle a laugh. What idiots. I’m out of breath ages before we stop, panting and gasping in a back alleyway. I know there are still several people in pursuit of us because I can here them getting closer. What’s Harry’s next plan then? I turn to him and he stands up straight “So how are you getting us out of here exactly?” I smirk, as if his clever plan has failed. But he just lifts an eyebrow and points to the left. He’s pointing towards another bit of the market, it’s just motorbikes and clothes stalls, this hardly seems like part of the plan. “What?” I frown. Harry rolls his eyes and grabs my hand again pulling me towards the motorbike hire. What’s he going to do? Hire a motorbike? That would take ages to sort out and that’s if he can even ride one. But he swans up to the owner confidently and whispers something inaudiable in his ear. The man nods and looks flustered “Yes of course Sir! I’ll just need your-” Harry pulls his passport out his pocket and slips it into the mans hand. “Cheers mate!” Harry says “Tell Paul I owe him!” he hands me and helmet and pulls me on to the bike. I just have time to cling onto him before we’re off, speeding through the market, camera’s flashing behind us. We ride for another 15 minutes through the streets of London, and it’s one of the most exciting and scary things I’ve ever done. I have so many questions for Harry about what just happened, but I throw my head back and grin, London is amazing. We stop and chain the bike up at a park, I’m pretty sure this one isn’t Hyde Park, in fact, I have no idea where I am. Harry helps me off the bike and throws his arm round me, swaggering through the park. There’s no paps here, it’s nice to be with Harry somewhere no ones keeping track of us. We blend in as one of the crowd, it’s so busy most people don’t look as us. We do get some second glances, but nobody approaches us. “What did you say to that guy to get him to give us the bike?” I ask.

“Let’s just say, it’s not the first time I’ve used that place” he winks, saying nothing more.

“Okay Harry” I giggle “Whatever you say.” My boyfriend looks me up and down jokily and adds “Alright, alright” he adds “So I used them once when they were following me on my birthday.” We sit down by the edge of a river and face each other, staring into his eyes.

“And…” he frowns while he thinks “I might have gone on them once when I was drunk.”

I give a sarcastic gasp “Prince’s drink?! You’re bring shame on the monarchy!” Harry bursts into hysterics “What can I say? The typical bad boy, me!” For some reason this reminds me of what he said all the way back in Craster, his bitter tone as he talked about his position. It’s just Harry he said. “Do you like being in the Royal family?” I ask quietly. Harry’s eyes fall to the ground and he thinks to himself for a moment, staring at his hands. “Yeah, I guess” he shrugs “it’s just the were so many things I couldn’t do, you know, trust people and make friends easily” he pauses “Don’t get me wrong, I know I’m way more privileged then most people and I guess that’s why Me, Kate and Will do so much charity work, but I’m determined to have a normal life too. That’s why the press label me as a bad boy, cause I do what I want. It’s easy to live a normal life too, if you try.” I grin, I love him opening up to me like this, it makes me feel like I can tell him anything. “Holly?” he asks


“There’s this Royal Garden Party next week, it’s an annual thing, will you come with me?” Ahh, this is what the dress was for.

“Of course!” I say, planting a kiss on his cheek. He looks relieved that I agreed, grabbing me and hugging me tightly, laughing as we go tumbling onto the floor. “I still can’t believe I met you” I breath through giggles.

“Me neither” Harry kisses my neck and lies on top of me, the sun beating down in his face, his eyes squinting. “I love being with you Longford” he hugs me again and I bury my face in his chest, breathing in his sweet scent.

We spend the rest of the day walking around London, it’s funny how I’ve been here for a week already and seen none of this. We go for lunch in his favourite restaurant, then get on a rowing boat in yet another park. We stay on the water until sunset, laying in the boat and talking, sharing our life stories until we know everything about each other, kissing and hugging, wishing this day would never end. By the time we return the motorbike to Camden Market, I feel like I’ve known Harry my entire life. He makes me feel safe and comforted, like wherever he is, is home. It’s funny to think that just over two weeks ago, we were having our first proper conversation in Craster Village. It feels like a lifetime away. It was going to kill me when Harry left for the army, but I just had to remember, he’s coming back. 

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