Chapter Ten

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I woke the next morning in Harry’s arms. The sun was peeping in through the curtains and I could feel the crisp white sheets against my skin. It was the perfect feeling; I wanted to stay there forever. It took another half hour before Harry stirred; he put his arm around me tighter and kissed my head. “Morning” he says. I grin at him and say nothing, it’s not needed. The beautiful silence is only interrupted by the sound of a servant bringing Harry his post and the newspapers. The man isn’t dressed like the other servants; he’s more casual, in a scruffy suit. He smiles at me politely, as if he wants to laugh, but he just nods his head and disappears. “Oh great” Harry says sarcastically, he’s hunched over a letter and frowning to himself. I put my hand on his shoulder “What?”

“Letter from my PA” he grumbles “Apparently the papers won’t stop writing stories about us.”

I shrug “So? They do that all the time.”

“Yeah” Harry whines, dumping the letter “but it’s all about our public image you see, I get into trouble for this kind of thing.” I almost feel like storming out the room. He’s making me feel as if it’s my fault for all of this. “Well sorry for being such a pain” I strop. Harry rolls his eyes at me and wraps his arms around me “Don’t be silly Holly” he smirks “You know you’re not” he pauses “Now enough about that, shall I show you my house today?”

After breakfast, Harry takes me across London to Clarence House, where his Dad, Camilla and he live. It may not be as big as the palace, but it’s just as Royal. Everywhere is kitted out with the finest goods, but like the palace, it doesn’t look like Harry’s home. It doesn’t look like it would contain any of his belongings. “I want to buy my own place” he tells me “But there doesn’t seem much point, I’m either in the army or have to be in London for some work engagement. Buying a house would only seem necessary if I was married or something...” he trails off. The once confident man has gone awkward. I smirk at him “Don’t tell me the cocky Prince has gone shy?” I mimic. He gives me a playful nudge and laughs at me.

The next day is another lonely one, Harry has been summoned to some kind of family meeting and I’ve been left alone. He was in a hurry this morning and looked preoccupied. It scared me a little, how suddenly this urgent meeting has been called where everybody has to stop what they’re doing. It’s confusing and I can’t help wondering what it means. I knew nothing major had gone on in the family, otherwise it would’ve been on the news, which it hadn’t. So I was left in the dark. That morning I was up early, I couldn’t sleep after Harry was gone. I smoothed down my necklace and wrapped my hair up in a messy ponytail, before slipping my jeans on and walking to the breakfast hall. There was no one in there today, no Kate. I hadn’t seen her since the other day and I assumed she’d gone with William. They were probably no at this meeting. It’s funny, I was fast approaching the end of my first week here and I hadn’t met any of Harry’s family. I mean, I wasn’t expecting to or anything, it’s just he seems so keen on me, yet he’s not organised a meal or anything. Maybe I was getting ahead of myself; after all I hadn’t been his girlfriend for long. But he is acting like we’ve been together months already, the serious things he’s says about me, as if he’s so keen on me. I shake my head and walk over to the table. The same scruffy servant who was in our bedroom the other day approaches. He’s a lot nicer close up, he’s quite old, with white hair and lots of wrinkles, his big brown eyes study me carefully. But underneath it all, I can’t shake the feeling that he is a nice man, his face is kind and he smiles sweetly. “Post for you mam” he says to me. And I want to laugh, I’m not Royalty.

“Please” I smile “It’s Holly.” He nods and I take the letter off the silver plate he’s holding out for me. It’s from Harry. ‘Longford, sorry I had to leave so early but I’ll be back tomorrow. Go shopping today, get Steve to take you wherever you want, buy a nice dress. Harry xxx.’ This makes me feel better. Not only did he put three kisses, but he wants me to buy a dress, which can only mean we’re going somewhere. “Thank you” I say turning to the man. “Err what’s your name?”

“James, mam. I’m the house butler” he looks pleased to be spoken too and I decide to take it in to my power to befriend him, though he seems to be making it very easy for me. “If you ever need anything just say” he continues “I know how daunting it must be coming to a place like this. And Miss, if you don’t mind me saying so, the Prince seems very keen on you so it looks like you’ll be around a while. I’m always here to help and give you advice.”

“Advice on what?” I question, though he seems lovely, that last sentence gave me the wrong impression. “Let’s just say, advice how the changes that you’ll have to make to fit in around here” he says. I get what he means; they don’t just let any commoner become a member of the Royal Family. I nod and thank him, and then he leaves. I push the negative thoughts to the back of my mind and remind myself I’ve just made a friend. I munch my toast happily and read the newspapers. My mood isn’t even ruined by the articles, the ones that have been picturing my every move, that say I’m bad for the Royal image. I don’t care; no one knows what it’s really like here. Its perfection and horror all wrapped into one. I the truth is, I love it.

I go shopping like Harry instructed and it takes ten times long than normal. Steve has to call for backup to protect me from the crowd of paparazzi. I’m really starting to understand the extent of how famous I’m getting, it’s a weird thought, I still can’t comprehend the fact people give a shit about me. I’m just an 18 year old girl from Northumberland, nothing to shout about. But then I have to remember, a commoner dating a Royal is a big deal, and it’s always popular with the public. I try to shop the best I can, settling on a short black dress and heels. I go back to the palace and wait for Harry’s return, dreaming of what wonders will happen the next day.


Someone is shaking me. Someone is shaking me a lot. Frowning, I squint open my eyes to see James the Butler practically throwing me across the room. “Miss Longford, wake up!” I sit bolt upright and I immediately know something’s wrong. “What?!” I shout “James, what’s wrong?!” A million thoughts swarm my mind and I begin to worry for Harry’s safety. Has something happened to him? Is he hurt? I get ushered down the corridor in my pyjamas, getting a few strange looks off the servants who noticed I was in the Prince’s bedroom. Next thing I know, someone’s wrapping a blanket around me and I’m being shoved into a black car. I’m confused for only a moment, and then I see Harry in the seat next to me, looking tired. “Babe” he smiles weakly.

“What’s going on?” I frown

“We’re just moving to a hotel” he says with a kiss. Why is he so casual? I remember James’ worried expression and know this can’t be anything. “But why?” I question, pushing Harry off me. “Listen” he hesitates, shaking his head and closing his eyes. But then he doen’t tell me, he just smiles and says “The media are just getting bad, we thought we’d move you too Clarence House.”

“Okay” I frown, unconvinced.

“Fancy a day out today?” he smiles “Seen as you’re up?” I agree and say nothing else. Harry was about to tell me the reason, I saw it, but then he changed his mind. The question is why? What is he hiding from me? Whatever it is, I’ll find out soon enough.

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