Chapter 10- Jon

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I know, I'm late, but I had family come into town this weekend and things got hectic, but I did actually write a chapter lol. This one was requested for an update, so I did it. I'm thinking about asking you guys weekly for which story I should update and then maybe have an extra chapter there and there when I get inspiration? Idk, just thinking, anyways, how you enjoy!-A.B.

(Jon portrayed by Matthew Noszka above)

Griffin's POV-

Even through all the chaos of everything that had just happened, my mate sleeping so soundly in my arms seemed to make me forget it all. Well, all except one thing.

He thinks I'm his new master.

It's not that had to imagine why, when I think about it. The signed show that he was likely in the labs for a period of time, which might explain why his wolf form was still a pup. Probable some mutation they activated to either weaken him or to make him more "valuable" to buyers.


Odds are after the labs he got sold, and for some reason these power hungry humans seem to find it enjoyable to torture something helpless for a while, then sell it again to repeat the process, at least that's what we've noticed from others who have gotten out. And from the looks of it, it seems like my mate has had either many "owners", or several who were bad enough to break a level of trust I'm scared is unrepairable.

Either way, all I can do now is be here for him and hope I can gain enough trust to at least help him settle in here. At this point, I think my wolf would be happy just to see his mate relax a little. Almost anything would be better than the skittishness he has now.

"Don't think to hard, we don't want that poor brain of yours to short circuit." Jon said from the end of the bed, "It hasn't been used this much since, well, ever."

I chuckled, I almost forgot this asshole was in the room. "You may have the brains, but I could kick your ass any day of the week."

"That may be true, but if there is any actual ass kicking happening, it'll be from David kicking your ass for kicking my ass, then him kicking my ass for asking to get my ass kicked." Jon stated, damn, this guy was a jerk, but he knew how to lighten my mood.

I guess that's how it's always been. The three of us were always close, Jon, David and I. Jon and David are the same age, David being two months older. And I of course, was an annoying little shit who had to follow them around everywhere. While David was always the leader and I have always been stronger, Neither of us could compete with Jon's wit and smarts. And while we were all probable very annoying as kids, Jon was the only one that people thought needed some "stricter" discipline. Funny enough, he actually thought he did too.

Before any of us were born, a very pregnant woman and her son found there way to our pack, and pleaded with the alpha, Josiah, to take them in. He was happy to help them, and didn't question the circumstances. Barely a day later the woman went into labor, giving birth to the little shit known as Jon. But that day wasn't as joyful as it should have been. Jon's mother passed away. No one knew where she came from, but it wasn't evident that she hadn't had any care given to her or her baby in a very long time.

Her other Son, Todd, who was only eight at the time, said he would care for his baby brother. Josiah knew Todd couldn't do it on his own, but he also knew the strong boy wouldn't allow anyone to take his brother from him. So, Josiah suggested that they join the pack, and allow them all to help take care of him.

Todd was cautious, but he accepted, knowing it would be better for him and his brother. And I'd like to think it was.

Fast forward to sixteen years later, all three of us were wreaking havoc on the pack, enjoying the best years of our lives. But it turns out that it wouldn't stay like that for long. One day a man showed up at the pack, asking for a woman name Margaret. Josiah met with the man, and told him that there was no Margaret's here, but the man insisted that he smelled here. The man got into a disagreement with the Alpha and forced his way inside.

Todd gathered us all up and told us to hide in a storage room, and told us not to come out until someone came to get us.

Jon had no idea that would be the last time he saw his brother alive.

Turns out the man that showed up was from a pack the next state over, and he was looking for Jon's mother, claiming that she ran off with what was "his". He was referring to Jon. And Todd wasn't going to let Jon's abusive father take and abuse him like he did his mother. The man decided a fight was necessary, bringing dozens of pack members to back him up. Luckily for us, we had more. Only one life was lost that day, and knowing Todd, he would do it all again just to keep Jon safe.

After Todd died, we tried to comfort him, but wouldn't have any of it. He ran off, and, after him just coming back several years ago and him telling us, joined the Army. He became a field medic and got out a lot of built up emotions. But even the army couldn't break his shitty attitude.

After he regained his composure and he served his time, he found out about the raids and packs, and rushed home to find it gone. It took some time to get in touch with him, but once we did he was more than happy to join the cause.

No matter what I say about Jon and how he's a real douche, he's like a brother to me, and there's no one I'd rather have treating my mate.

"Again with all that thinking, there's smoke coming outta your ears, pal." Jon says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Just reminiscing, no thinking required, bud."

"Well hop back into the present when you get the chance, cause there's a cute little omega waiting for ya when you do." He said, placing the vitals monitor back on my mates finger, "Damn, I would kill to have a cutie like him for a mate. Can you imagine what your pups are gunna look like? Those are gunna be some real heart breakers."

As sad as it is, mates are beyond rare these days, as a majority of wolves are enslaved or dead, and wolves tend to reject partners that aren't mates, at least reproductively, so the thought of having a family had complete slipped my mind.

I-I could be a father?

It gave me this feeling of butterflies, and a new sense of joy I didn't even know was possible. But it was cut off quickly.

"I'm not so sure, normally his heat would have started by now after meeting me." It was a sad statement, but it was possible he was infertile, whether it was by natural or experimental means, "And who knows what they might have done to him, he might not even be able to have sex for all I know, and I'd rather not push anything right now."

"Or, you're missing the more obvious reason why he hasn't started his heat." Jon said with a grin, almost like he knew something.

"Which is...?" I prompt, hoping he won't keep me in suspense.

"He's not eighteen yet." I go to argue with him, about how we couldn't know that, but he cuts me off, "It makes perfect sense, why he wouldn't know you were his mate right away but he can still feel the connection, and plus, look at him! Does he look over eighteen to you?"

I wanted to argue with him, but he was right. The mating pull would be weaker to someone under eighteen, which is when our wolf matures enough to be able to sense a mate, and to be honestly, he did look barely sixteen.

"Don't fight me, Griff, you deserve this. We all deserve this. A moment of happiness, a little bit of joy in this shitty world. So, just, please, enjoy the possibility for something almost no wolf could even dream of these days, a damn family."

The problem was I couldn't enjoy the moment, I was terrified that I would. That I would get so caught up in a fantasy that I would forget the very real chance that my mate could very well be too terrified to ever accept me, let alone let me impregnate him. But damnit, now I couldn't not think of it.

Is this too much to hope for?

I didn't intend for this chapter to focus so much around Jon, but it did and I can't say that I'm mad about it 😂 if you couldn't tell, I'm setting this story up to have multiple books in a series, with Griffin, Jon and David all getting there own stories! I would really love to do that and it would mean a lot of you let me know what you guys think! Thanks for reading!- A.B.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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