Chapter 8- Awake

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Whoopsie, I haven't written in forever 😅 here's a nice sized chapter for you, hope you enjoy!-A.B.

Griffin's POV

Not gunna lie, I'm probable benefitting a lot from the exercise of doing laps around the house trying to relieve some of the stress of waiting for my mate to wake up, but damnit I can't take it much longer. It's been three days since we rescued my pup from the hell he was in, and it was just this morning Jon felt it was safe enough to take my mate off a steady dosages of anesthesia. His "master" had given him a concentrated form of rohypnol that caused paralysis and quite possible could have made him OD. We were lucky in that my mate still maintained enough healing ability to counteract enough of the drug in time for Jon to flush it out of his system.

If nothing else made me breathe easy, my mate was in the medical room getting some much needed care. He's been on IV and some nutrient thing that Jon says will, "Give the kid some muscle." I appreciate Jon trying to lighten the mood, but he and I have wayyyy different ideas when it comes to a "decent meal". Damn, I can't wait to chub my pup up. It's a nice enough thought that helps me distract myself.

When my mate became stable medically, they removed the collar that was embedded into his neck. That damned thing must have been on him for years. It took several hours and steady hands to remove it, and Jon is making sure to take every precaution his neck won't get infected. It was one thing that the collar was beyond too tight on him, upon inspection there was several metal spikes along the inside of the collar that were used to shock him. Jon said it was a damn miracle the thing hadn't ruptured a major blood vessel or caused breathing and cardiac problems.

That's what you are my little mate, a miracle.

Just as my pacing landed me in the kitchen with several familiar faces, I felt a tingle in the back of my mind. I halted immediately, causing Edgar to give me an odd glance. "What's up?" He asked in a laid back tone.

I focused on the feeling a bit, not totally sure what it was, or if it was a feeling that I should be happy or sad about. I felt a warmth, I smelled something.... clean? Then it clicked.

My mate was awake.

We might not be bonded yet, but mates still can be almost empathic with each other when they've been in contact before. It's almost like a way of helping you get connect with your mate and seeing how they react to certain things to make the bonding more enjoyable. And currently, my mate was uncertain about what he felt.

"He's awake." I stated simple. I didn't know what else to do. I was so excited for when he woke up I didn't actually think of what the first thing I'd do when it actually happened. I stood there, unsure of what my next step was going to be, until my mates emotions changed drastically. I could suddenly feel the ache of fear coming from my mate, and I didn't think twice about running to his room.

When I reached the door, I halted quickly, running in there at full force definitely wasn't going to help calm him at all, so I took a moment to compose myself.

When I felt that I was ready, I slowly turned the doorknob, and took a few brisk footsteps around the curtain to see my tiny mate laid out on the large hospital bed. His eyes were closed, but the heart monitor clearly showed how close he was to awakening.

I slowly got closer, wanting to ease my mate into this, hoping my scent and presence would be able to calm him. "Hey, baby, it's okay, you're safe," I say, seeing no major change rom my mate, but feeling my wolf purr with the knowledge that his mate is nearby.

After several moments, and several twitches from my mate, he was able to open his eyes for the first time in days. They were a little glossy, but quickly glanced around the room to take it in, then they landed on me. He seemed calm enough, simple taking me in and getting a good look at me. Wanting to allow my mate and my wolf of the simple comfort of touching their mate, I took a small step to the side of the bed, reaching my hand to brush some of his untamed curls away from his face, but just as my hand begins it's decent, my mates entire demeanor changed. Just before I think to do anything, my mate lets out a heart wrenching scream.

Scream was ragged, and sounded damn painful, probable as his voice wasn't used often, but it did its job. I jolted back, bring my hand back to my chest, not wanting to cause my mate anymore stress, and took a few steps back.

Once the screaming died down, my mate weakly sat himself up, and looked around the room while panting and shaking. I could faintly hear people in the doorway behind the curtain, to whom I quickly mind-linked telling them to stay put and be quiet to prevent my mate from freaking out anymore.

Returning my gaze to my mate, I see my mate assessing his body, inspecting the clothes he was wearing and the IV's connected to him. He then scrunched up his face, and I stilled, forgetting how he was getting the nutrients stuff while he was unconscious. Jon had a tube running down his nose to his stomach, I wasn't sure about the whole thing, even though Jon insisted on it. I quickly found out that my mate felt the same way I did when he began to pull the tube out, making himself gag during the process.

I was in shock for a moment, not sure what to do.

Is my mate this terrified, to the point where he won't acknowledge he's getting medical treatment? Or maybe he hasn't had any before?

I snapped out of it when my mates heart monitor let out a shrill cry when it was taken off of his finger, along with anything else he could find attached to himself. When he grabbed onto the IV containing pain medication, I felt the immediate need to intervene. " don't do that," I say quickly, startling my mate. He quickly looks up at me, but avoids eye contact to the best of his ability.

He ignores my words, and pulls the final cord from his body while cringing. He hunched over a little, seeming exhausted from his mini panic, but he seemed to be calming himself down now.

While he was calm, I quickly mind-linked Jon, asking him if anything he removed was vital. Jon was quite pissed when he found out no one told him him mate was awake, but quickly pushed his hurt feelings to the side when he found out that he removed everything connected to his body.

Jon promptly ignored my request to be alone with my mate, and marched passed the group of people gathered in the doorway. Flipping back the curtain, Jon marched in, causing my mate to gasp a bit and attempted to crawl back a little bit further on the bed, but it was soon halted by my mate hissing and then gingerly touching his neck.

But as soon as his fingers came in contact with the bandaged skin, my mate froze. His fingers glided over the bandages, and his face held shock within it. My mate paused for a moment, licking his lips as if readying himself to talk. He lifted his gaze, his downcast eyes barely making contact with mine, before his croaky voice was heard, "W-who are you?"

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, had my birthday, school, work, and I've been sick the past week 😭 no excuses, I know. And I'm hoping to get a new chapter of WTCSS soon because it just reached 10k reads!!!! Anyways, hope you enjoyed and let me know what you think!- A.B.

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