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"You're being seen as a villain here, Master Wayne", Alfred said to Bruce, as they watched the news on the tv. "Captain Gordon, do you know who the Batman is?", Vickie Vale asked Jim and then he responded, "if I knew who he is, he'd already be locked up". "I'm doing what the police aren't Alfred, putting away the cities, most notorious criminals", Bruce told Alfred, and then he responded, "your father died, for doing the same thing that you're doing. I don't want to see you dead, sir". Alfred had left the room, and then walked down to the Batcave, Via the bookcase.

Captain Gordon, was called into a crime scene, which taken place at the docks. "All these victims, worked for Wayne shipping", a forensic scientist, told the captain. Gordon then said, "they were just about to leave the port.....", the forensic scientist then told him, "we found another seems as if, he was crawling away from the killer, with evidence from the trail of blood that he left". "Yeah, good work. Tell Bullock about this, then we'll set up another case", Gordon said as he walked off, towards his car.

"THE SHIPPING CONTAINERS ARE EMPTY AS WELL. NO SIGN OF ANY FINGER PRINTS", Batman told Alfred, then he asked , "Do you think this was planned?". Batman then answered, "MOST LIKELY, HACK THE CAMERAS". While Batman, was investigating the area, Alfred controller the cameras and found a small three-dimensional object, in the shape of a question mark. "On top of the containers, there's a question mark", Alfred told him and then Batman grappled up on to one, and looked down on the three-dimensional question mark, which was green. "That was an easy one, wasn't it?", a voice said from the announcement speakers and then Batman looked around but couldn't see annoying and then it said "no, no, no, caped crusader, I want this to be a challenge. You will solve all of my riddles, and by the time you've solved them all, you'll win a prize". "WHO ARE YOU?", Batman questioned and then the voice said, "oh, sorry....I didn't introduce my self. My name, is a deep secret of mine Batman, so you'll call me....The Riddler". "YOU SAID YOU WANTED ME TO SOLVE YOUR RIDDLES, LETS BEGIN", Batman said", " oh no, doesn't work like that, you're gonna have to earn my riddles. However, I'll be generous and give you one for free", The Riddler explained. "GO ON....", Batman said and then The Riddler responder, "Riddle me this....if know me, you'll want to share me, but if you share me, then I'll be gone. What am I?", "A SECRET", Batman answered. "What?!. How did you.....", The Riddler questioned and then Batman explained, "IF YOU SHARE A SECRET, THEN IT IS NO LONGER A SECRET", The Riddler laughed, and then told him, "how about we cut a deal, if you tell me one of you're secrets, I'll tell you one of", Batman then asked, "WHAT?". The Riddler then asked, "tell me Batman.....who's beneath the mask?", "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO I AM UNDERNEATH.....BUT WHAT I DO, THAT DEFINES ME", The Riddler began to laugh again, and said "you really are quite the hero aren't you......I'll let you into a secret.....", then Batman heard screaming, "if you answer another Riddle Batman, I'll tell you where my hostage is.......If you look at the numbers on my face, you won't see thirteen any place", The Riddler explained and then Batman answered, "A CLOCK.....YOU'RE AT A CLOCK TOWER?", "well done detective, you've solved the first crime...but this is only going to get harder", The Riddler replies and left the speakers. "The clock tower, is at the other end of the won't have enough time", Alfred told him and then Batman replied, "I WILL".

"I'm sorry, we had to cut our game early.....perhaps you'll live to see round two.....or Batman will die, trying to save you", The Riddler then began to laugh, as he placed a long, dark green leather jacket, over his white shirt, green waistcoat and a purple tie. He then equipped a long, dark green cane with a question mark on the tip, along with a dark green bowler hat and, black round circular sunglasses.

Sometime later, Batman had reached the hostage in the tower and asked, "ARE YOU OKAY?", "'re....", the hostage replied, nervously shaking and then Batman replied, "I'M NOT GOING TO HURT YOU". "I am impressed've unlocked the second trophy, can you answer my next riddle, to make it to round two?", The Riddler asked, through a live stream, through a projector and then Batman answered, "I SAID I'LL PLAY YOUR GAME....WHAT'S NEXT?". The Riddler then asked him, "Riddle me this: I'm a fruit. If you take away my first letter, I'm a crime....if you take away my first two letters, I'm an animal. However, if you take away my first and last letter, I'm a type of music.....what am I?". Batman thought to himself, and then answered, "A GRAPE". The Riddler then shouted, shockingly "What?!. How the fuck are you solving these?......haha, they're too easy huh, this is gonna get a lot harder Bat-brain, I'll tell you where I'm headed me at Gotham General, if you don't.....a lot of people are going to die, because of you". Batman, then turned to the hostage and he said, "TELL THE POLICE I SAVED YOU, TELL THEM TO GO TO GOTHAM GENERAL". Batman, then disappeared within a blink of the hostage's eye.

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