// eight \\

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That's all Luke could see.

Blood everywhere, covering everything and everyone.

'What's going on?' Luke shouted at all the people bumbling around. It was like they didn't even know where they were. 'Where's Joey?'


Luke's body spun round at the voice, and there before him stood Joey, his eyes dead, but his body living.

'Joey?' Luke breathed, confused and concerned. 'C'mon, lets get out of here.' He grabbed his son's hand and began to pull but Joey yanked his little hand away and stood still on the spot.

'What's wrong?' Luke asked, desperately. He began to feel a sinful twisting feeling in his stomach and was worried that he might actually be sick if he didn't get away soon.

'I have to stay. You have to stay.' Joey said, sounding emotionless, like he couldn't feel anything at all.

Luke looked into Joey's eyes. He couldn't understand why they looked dead, why there was no life in them at all...


'Daddy, we have to stay. We can be happy here.' Joey continued.

Just as Luke opened his mouth to protest, he watched in horror as a stream of blood started rapidly trailing down his son's face.

Luke covered his mouth with his hands and backed away, his son's dead eyes watching him, confusion swimming around in his irises.

'Daddy, it's okay.' Joey stepped forward, blood dripping into his eyes and mouth. It was like he didn't even know it was there. It was like a nightmare... a terrible, terrible nightmare.

Luke tripped on his own feet and fell backwards. He looked around himself. Everyone was looking at him, blood streaming down their faces too. He covered his eyes and started to scream as he began feeling as if he were falling through the floor.

Luke's eyes opened to the sound of screaming.

'DADDY! DADDY, WAKE UP!' It was Joey, and he was crying, pulling at Luke's shirt.

Luke sat bolt upright, his whole body sweating and shaking as he clutched at Joey.

'Are you okay?' He demanded, scanning his son.

'Wh-what?' Joey sobbed, holding onto his Dad.

Luke took a few shaky breaths before pulling Joey towards his chest, smoothing his hair down, tears of his own making their way down his face.

'You were scaring me, Daddy.' Joey mumbled into Luke's shoulder. 'You were screaming and shouting in your sleep and then... then I couldn't get you to wake up.'

'Shh,' Luke hugged his son tighter, if that was possible. 'It's okay now. Daddy's okay now.'

* * *

Luke decided he wanted to take Joey out of nursery for a few days. Just so that he could keep him by his side, so that he knew he was okay. That he was safe.

'Is it bad that I'm at home, and not at the nursery, Daddy?' Joey asked as he chewed on the Nutella sandwich Luke had halfheartedly made.

'No.' Luke pulled his slender arms through the sleeves of a dark blue hoody and left it unzipped. He went to the bathroom and slathered some gel on his hands before styling his hair into its usual style. 'We're just having a little quality time together.'

'That sounds nice.' Joey replied happily, taking his empty plate to the sink. 'So, what are we doing today?'

'Yeah Luke, what are you doing?' A snarky demon voice hissed in the doorway to the bathroom.

NEEDS MAJOR EDITING- Mentally Disabled, So Unstable (5sos Cake AU) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now