Chapter 4: Friend to Foe

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  I try calling Lynn but she's not answering any of the calls. I was sitting on my bed, thinking what should I do. Since there was no school because of a strike, I decided to just drop by her place. She lived near my street so I can just walk it.

  I run outside and pass by Keith's house. I noticed there was a note on the door of his house. It read:


    Could you lock my door for me. I was in a rush today, job interview. Thanks and see you later.

You're Neighbor,

  I do what the note says and head off to Lynn's.

  Lynn's place was a duplex. She lived on the top part of the house and the duplex had a tall fence for protection from intruders. Lynn told me a way get pass the code gate and tall fence. I head to the right side of the bordered duplex and there was a heap of cement bags, perfect to make as stairs to get inside the area.

  I make a jump and go to Lynn's duplex. Her duplex was pretty small and really musty. There was a cross on her door and a sign that must've said "Home Sweet Home" in Spanish. I knock on it and a tall tanned guy with a black messy hair, a cigarette dangling on his mouth, shirtless, asking who I was looking for.

  "Is Lynn home?" I ask.

  "LYNN!" Shouted the man and he leaves.

  A few seconds later, Lynn comes out and looks pissed. Still pissed from what happened at Paul's. I was turning red, embarrassed I guess.

  "What do you want?" Lynn pouts.

  "You're still mad at me for not saying yes to the plan?" I ask her.

  "We're talking about Keith Habersberger here, Ally. Everyone is desperate to know what happened to the Try Guys and you said no." She snaps at me and shakes her head.

  "Lynn, I thought we're friends. Why are you mad at me for telling Paul that invading Keith's personal sh-t a bad thing?"

  "Well, we aren't, James!" she yells at me, " I was friends with you because you liked them. You were a devoted member of our club. You turn your back on us. How can I be friends with a traitor?!"

I try to calm myself down because I didn't want to make stuff worse. I look at her with a confused look. Lynn has been my best friend since elementary and here we are trying to tell each other to f—k off. I don't have much friends except Grayson and her brother Keith. But they go to different schools. I know me and Lynn fit with each other really well.

"Paul told you to do this didn't he, that scumbag." I growled.

"Paul knows what he's doing, Ally. If you don't want to ask Keith about what happened, then I will myself!" Lynn exclaims to me and shuts her door.

I knock on her door again but this time no one answers. My best friend, gone. Turned my back on me as well. Paul's ruining my life just to make me invade Keith's personal self. The bastard has so many people on his side, I don't think anyone will listen to me, so making my own group is out of the question.

But right now, I was crying. Tears just bursted out. Lynn was gone. Her love for the Try Guys outmatched our friendship. Who was I going to tell this to?

In defeat, I silently walked home and sat on my doorstep. Grayson asked if I wanted to play some Smash Bros. but I declined and lied that I was busy and taking a few minute break. I put myself in fetal position and trying to let the idea my best friend is against me, sink in.

After that day, I stopped seeing Keith Habs and pretended he was never my neighbor, I never knew her daughter, Faith, and he never moved in. I just went to school and directly went home. When he asked if I could chat with him for a couple of hours, I told him I had a
lot of tests coming up.


I think Keith was tired of my BS and decided to take matters into his own hands.

A few weeks later, Saturday, parents are out of town and they leave me home alone (Dope I know ). I eat some potentially expired Frosted Flakes with milk (I pour my cereal before the milk so don't ask.) and get out. Air was still cold for a February. I head out with a hoodie and went to get our mail. Bills and report cards.

  Keith was outside. He was painting his fence blue. Sometimes I think Keith has a fetish for the color. I take a glance and head back in.

"Haven't seen you in a while." he hollered.

"Busy," I lied, as usual, "See ya later."

"Tell me what's up." he requested.

"None of your business, dude." I muttered.

"Hold up!" Keith demanded, now angry. I've never heard or seen him this angry, "What's up with you? You don't act like this."

"How can I be friends with a traitor?!" I hear Lynn's question echo in my head.

I was trembling now. I'm now confused and have no idea on what to do, or say. Keith was staring at me, waiting for an answer. I noticed that he was acting like a dad. More of a dad than my own father, telling me what's wrong and right. I have never heard anything came out about me from my father's mouth, nor my mom's.

"I'm sorry, Keith..." I apologized, "Things are just rough right now, man."

"It's alright. Just you're all uptight nowadays. You barely notice me and say hi, which you usually do, you lock yourself up in your room up there until those two friends of your beg you to get out and you don't go out much as you do from before." He explains.

"My friend left me because I didn't do what they wanted me to do." I admitted.

"Peer pressure?" He asks me, cocking one eyebrow up, I nod.

"Losing friends is tough, kid. I lost all of them, even my whole family. But you gotta move on, you gotta know that..." he started.

"I don't even think Ned will forgive me. Zach and Eugene won't talk to me at all. I have to move on and accept the fact they won't ever talk to me. No matter how much I try getting in touch with them, nothings going to happen."

"Lynn just was my best friend." I said.

"And why did you guys part ways?"

"Long story, let's just say it involved with the Try Guys."

"Tell me all about it- and help me out with the fence, can you?"

"Sure," I smiled.

I started to go and help him out. Keith hands me a paintbrush and the bucket, and I start working.

I still was thinking about Lynn. There was this small voice telling me she's gonna apologize. She might think about not doing it.

I know Lynn and she's not this way.

What Happens When a Try Guy Becomes Your Neighbor ( A Keith Habersberger Fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum