Lillith's Father: Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen:

Fred sat on the couch at Weasley Wizard Wheezes in the crammed and jam packed back room, staring blankly at a piece of parchment that had but a few sentences written upon it.  His hair was messy, not having had the chance to brush it, he'd been woken up rather early by a knocking on his window.  As he'd gotten up to check what it was, he realized it was a simple post owl with a thin envelope attached to its leg.

He wished now that he hadn't have taken that envelope, Fred Weasley wished he had never opened the window, he wished that he had never woken up and more than anything, he wished that he was just dreaming.  

His eyebrows scrunched together as he blinked repeatedly, trying to hold the tears that wanted to cascade down his face back.  Now wasn't the time to cry, Fred knew that, but it seemed so hard.  

It was wrong!  She didn't deserve to be brought into this, he thought to himself, beginning to fume silently.  She was innocently, and to a point; naive.  If he had her.... well Fred Weasley didn't want to think about that.  

Hearing a noise at the entrance to the back room, he jerked to look over, finding his replica standing there, George.  His twin brother looked just as groggy as Fred himself did, his hair mussed up and standing every which way.  George rubbed his eyes, blinking to adjust to the dim lighting before he noticed his brother sitting on the couch, his eyes red and slightly puffy. 

"What's wrong?"


 "Stand up, girl."  

Biting my lip, I kept my head down as I pushed myself back into a standing position, keeping my back as straight as possible, but  even as I tried to be polite and subservient, Voldemort grasped my chin gently, almost barely there.  

His skin was cold though, making goosebumps travel up and down my arms, but I dont think he or anyone noticed besides myself.  He smiled as he stared at me, his teeth almost too sharp to be humans and reminding me vaguely of a shark.  His nostrils flared, like that of a snake, and his body reminded me all too much of a skeleton.   

I looked at him, not meaning to have made eye contact, but it happened nonetheless, and it froze me in place.  

Power, and greed.  Dominance and cruel intentions.  His eyes gave away his very being, and though I knew everything that his eyes showed me, it still left me speechless.  To see in someone's eyes, just how evil they were, well it was rare.  I'd never seen such cruelty, even in my former adoptive father.  

"You look much like your father."  

I grimaced, still playing along the lines of making my plan come to life.  "I like to think I take over from my grandmother's side of the family, thank you."  I'd heard about Sirius' mother, she was a bitter shrew who hated muggles and 'mudbloods', that much I knew, so maybe.. maybe I could work with that.  I grunted slightly as his nails seemed to dig into the skin in my chin and cheek before he jerked my head over, releasing his grasp.  

Breathing deeply, I went back to stare at the floor. 

"Are you any good at repairing things, Lillith?"   I shook my head as he asked his question.  Why he'd chosen that exact one, I had no idea, but I wasn't about to question him.  That could easily get me murdered and into that giant snake's belly.  The marble flooring's coldness seemed into my feet, making it hard to stand in one place as I lacked shoes or socks, but I did the best I possibly could under the circumstances.  

He asked more questions, about my friends and family, what I thought of Harry, mudbloods, etcetera, and all throughout his interogation, I kept up my plan.  

Harry was entertaining enough, but arrogant and enjoyed picking on me.  Ron Weasley was a disgusting pig, and Hermione was an insufferable know it all, I stayed with them because I had to, not because I wanted to.   I didn't think that about them, but I needed to make it seem realistic.  What if he had spies in Hogwarts that let him know who my friends were, he'd know that I hung around the Golden Trio, so I had to give good reasoning for it.  Though 'because I had to' was hardly good reasoning. Mudbloods were disgusting creatures not fit to be called witches or wizards, my family was a bunch of lowlife scums that needed to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

It physically hurt to say those things, talking bad about the people who had taken me in and befriended me, but I had no choice.  I wanted to live, I wanted to escape.  I had to do this.  

For days it continued, his questioning, I knew he thought that at some point I would mess up and I'd be caught in a lie, but I never did, and surprisingly, the torture was nonexistant.  He'd bring in Bellatrix, and Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father, and even a disgustingly hairy man named Fenrir Greyback for intimidation purposes.  

Voldemort was the only one who truly scared me, however, even surrounded by crazed lunatics.  

I kept myself subservient for days, which quickly turned into weeks, I came out of the dungeon once every four days to be allowed a shower, at least twice a week a hairbrush was thrown into my cell along with a plain looking, clean dress which I was to don and afterwards someone would douse me in perfume so I didn't bring along the stench of a sewer as I ate dinner with Voldemort and his followers.  

I soon came to realize that there were indeed other prisoners, but I was the only one 'allowed' out.  I was the only one that ate at the table, though nobody spoke to me, more than a few of the Dark Lords followers glanced my way each and everytime I was seated at the dining table with them.  

I didn't know why I was allowed such freedoms, but I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.  

Plans were never spoken around me, and in a way I was thankful for that.  Sure, I'd like to know what was planned, so that if I did escape, then at least I could warn everyone about what was to come.  But in another aspect, it would be too hard for me to have remained my 'calm and cool' self, hearing them talk about killing, and torture.  

Sometimes, the large snake would come into the dining room, upsetting my stomach and making me nauseous as it seemed to look at each occupant of the room separately, each time it entered the room.  Every time its beady eyes would seem to focus in on Voldemort and slither its way towards him, sometimes going under the table and traveling over the top of our feet, sometimes going around, and one time, the first time I'd ever been to one of these suppers, it had came on top of the table, moving over our food and ruining the tableclothe with spilled wine.  

Snakes were terrifying, disgusting creatures and I was coming to hate them more and more each time I saw this snake.  As far as I could tell, her name was Nagini and she was Voldemort's pet, he lavished her in attention much like one would a newborn child and I knew that it made many of the people seated at the tables uncomfortable.  

Who wouldn't be?  There was the darkest wizard of all time, talking to a snake in 'parseltongue' something I'd come to know as snake language, which apparently only two people in our world could speak.  Harry Potter and Voldemort.  I dont think anyone could have been comfortable in a situation quite like that.  

If they could, they were absolutely crazy.  

[[A/N: I'd like to point out, that it has been about a month since she's come into Voldemort's possession.  Obviously I'm moving by this fast, but I dont want to spend 20 chapters with her simply talking about her dungeon or dinners, so yeah.  I do hope you enjoyed this chapter.  I dont know when I'll be writing another one, maybe tonight, or tomorrow or in a week, there isn't any telling >w<   Anyhoo, Peace and Love, iJay]]

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