chap 1

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"Dude, if we were sucked in to the world of Hetalia, what would you do?"
" Hm... Mess with them,saying their human names? I don't know. What about you? " replied Angie .
"Find Denmark and mess up his hair!" Shan shouted.
"Riki,my dude what would you do if we got sucked in the world of Hetalia?"
"I don't know ,I just really liked America."
"Guys we're gonna be late for the bus!" Angie said as she started running to said bus.
" Angela, dude, wait! " Shan and Riki are dashing to the bus faster than Angie.
Their first class field trip out of the country is more important to the students more than anything else.
"Class you can  sit by your friends during the bus trip but remember that we have to seat by class number during the plane ride, okay?" Said teacher. " yes ma'am! " they responded in chorus. "Wow I can't believe that we're going to California as a field trip... and it's free!" Shouted Julie . "Yeah, right?" Responded Eli. " guys be quite. " said Jonah. "Jonah let the people  be free!" Shouted Shan. "Class be quiet!" Said the teacher. "Yes ma'am!"

3 hours has passed and they are in the airport having lunch while waiting for their plane. "I can't believe that we're the first class and not the star section!" Said Mari. " Yeah! I know right. " said Riki. "Can you believe it? We're like the dead last section in 6th grade!" Shouted Shan but immediately regretted it, since people were staring. "Flight Z0134 , now boarding." Said the speakers. " Okay class 6-F let's board the plane! " "Yes, Mrs.Sunday!"
Thus whole class where shaking with excitement, the first time to fly without your parents may seem scary, but hell they're going to California! Then they're going to Washington D.C. and Mount Rushmore that are also going to other historical sights on the U.S. "Dude, Angie, Riki, wants some chips? " asked Shan since Riki was beside him and Angie is behind him. "Yeah, what have you got?"" I got Cheezy's flaming hot and Clover,which one my dudes? "
"Clover." Said Riki " Cause 🎶Cause finger and Clover, they go together🎶" Riki and Shan sang while Angie looked annoyed. "Just please pass the chips please?" Shan passed it to her merrily . So they watched movies , ate and slept during the flight. The movies Shan, Riki and Angie is  'Man From U.N.C.L.E.' 'B.N.H.A the movie' and 'The Bermuda triangle' respectively. While most of their class mates are either watching Korean drama or listening to songs .The song artists Angie,Shan and Riki listened to is 'Hamilton' 'Michael Jackson or any song artist from the 80's' and 'Stan loona ' respectively.

"Shan. " "Shan." " Shan! Wake up! " Shouted Brunuoia. "Yeah, dude bro?" Shan said startled from the nap Shan loved the most. " We're here! " said Mrs. Sunday. Shouts echoed trough out the plane. The other passengers looked clearly annoyed. So they went down the plane and got their luggage but When Shan stepped out side she quickly saw his relatives "Uncle Steve! Auntie Norma!" Shan yelled waving to 6 ft man and 4.11ft woman. "Oh, Shan! Why are you here?" His uncle's emotion switched from happy to confused after all it is still not summer in the Philippines. "Field trip,Uncle Steve!" Chirped Shan. " Okay well good luck! " said Steve "Hi, Shan!" Norma said enveloping Shan into a hug. " Here's some early graduation money after all it's already Feb.27 and you told me you'll graduate in April. " Norma said as she gave her Shan $20 "Thank you! Wait why are you here? Is Ate Kim coming home from a trip?" " Oh yeah, we're picking her up. " said Norma "Okay please give her my best, bye!" Shan said while walking toward the bus going to where their staying.

"All complete? All right count off!" Said Mrs. Sunday. "One!"  Said Pat "Two." Said Sophie " Three. " said Hans and on and on until they reach forty- two . "Looks like we're good to go. So let's go!" It only took 30 mins to reach their destination, the students thou thought they will take at least an hour to arrive but clearly they were wrong.

They arrived at a Hotel not a fancy one but a simple one and big with a pool and all. They got so their things and hopped off the bus, it made things easier that that only have one small luggage and a back pack. They went in and the teacher told them to wait in the lobby while she and the other teachers check in. Most of the student whipped out their phone and started taking pictures that are 'insta perfect' or messaging their parents, but not Shan and Angie they already messaged their parents earlier and both are not fans of taking Instagram pictures since both don't bag be Instagram they rather take funny pictures or historical pictures. And since both were not busy Riki asked them to take photos of her with her phones .Yeah phones Riki is rich. So after they were taking photos they went up to the hotel room to check it out and rest.

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