ll੧੪ll...And Belonging

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"No." I gasp.

"Yes." He replied as a matter of a fact, holding my hand for leaping over a heap of broken branches.

"You can't be serious," I say, letting go of his hand shortly after to hug my textbooks closer to my chest, nudging the bridge of the glasses back onto my face. "I mistook you then."



"Although I have been known to be cunning and ambitious, but I am not exactly prideful," Greysan said, smiling generously. My bag twirled from on his side as he drew me close with a tug to my waist, my hip hitting his. He was mere inches taller. Lately I hadn't worn jeans, so while I wore tights Greysan saw it as a chance to tease me with his flaring touch. I could tell he secretly loved the feeling of my skin under the stretchy fabric.

He leaned towards my ear, burying his nose through my opened and messily long layered hair, his breathe warmly fanning my neck. "In all honesty, I am secretly a Hufflepuff."

"You can't be serious," I joke, looking into his dazzled eyes. Too close, too close for the old me to be comfortable with, yet, now I felt nothing but delight to be bundled his arms. Wrapping an arm under him and around his torso, I give him a light squeeze.

He hadn't attended school today, and despite feeling my heart drop from not seeing him in class, I realized just how much I missed him when he appeared by my locker at the end of the day. He wore a pale beige hoodie with a dark denim jacket and closely fitted dark pants. And looked so damned good, his biceps were straining and flexing with each movement, his grin creating slight dimples to appear on either sides, eyes glittering and then his crowned feature, that boyish rogue grin.

Pack meeting with the Alpha he exclaimed with a roll of his eyes, exhaustion wearing his expression. It seemed as if he hadn't bothered with his messy hair, a cloud of brown sleeked to a side. It looked nice on him.

No wonder Sengara was missing today. I wonder if she enjoyed the meeting as much as I would have, although humans, under no circumstances, were allowed to attend.

We had walked the path home together, his shoulder bearing my bag and holding my coffee mug in his empty hand as he hugged me with his other side. I felt as if I were burning up in the cream colored sweater and beanie I had worn with fur lined brown boots when I was besides Greysan.

"I solemnly swear on the graves of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, I am indeed." He cried in outrage, glaring at me.

"Oh yeah? What a coincidence," I chide. "That a certain, somebody is also Hufflepuff."

"That was sort of predictable," Greysan mused, clicking his tongue. I smack his chest playfully, Greysan passed a sidelong glance with feigned disappointment. "It is true. You're hardworking. You have so much dedication to whatever you choose to do, it always seems... extra." I winced inwardly and hoped he wouldn't notice how sour my face at turned at the word.

Greysan hadn't luckily. "You have the patience of Dumbledore, loyalty of Snape, smartness of Hermione, modesty of Remus -I don't know many who would be willing to explain the same example to everyone in the class, separately, and not want to rip at their hair. I would want to scream by the fourth time someone asked to repeat the same thing. Even whenever you correct Mr.Hez's calculations, you sound so sincere, respectful and never cocky. Everyone you meet likes you," He paused and amended his words when he caught me watching gravely. "Well, except, for those few bitches who glare at you from the back of the room. They're irrelevant though."

I shake my head, glasses slipping down again slightly. "And I could care less for those people. As for the matter of my patience, everyone is different and take their own time when comprehending. It is known to be my biggest asset, explaining difficult matters easily," my smile faltered at the thought of a memory arising before my eyes, a wave of sad heaviness incoming. "Even if they may not be easy for me."

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