ll੪ll Like A Dream Haven,

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"MANI! I swear she has a problem hearing, we need to get her tested," my father's voice boomed from the driveway, my mom's ushers for him to be silent gone through an ear and out another.

Wouldn't want the neighbors think we're loudly obnoxious before we move in am I right? I scoff.

There was too many windows for my liking. Semi small ones and then a randomly big one somewhere between, a few hidden or stolen behind dangling ghost like curtains. The musty stench reeking from the closets were a bit to unbearable for my comfort, as if something or someone had died here and was taken away by the past family.

There was also too much of a backyard, with greenery, shrubs, wild vines and plants. Spiders. A shitload of them probably stalking me as if right now with beady eyes of dark pits.

The stairway was too eerie and narrow with its faded yellow lights, like the color of some old stained pages and dusted rhinestones.

I was almost reluctant to take a step upwards in the direction to my bedroom at the end of the hall but nonetheless, two screaming and complaining parents did its job rather quite efficiency.

I didn't like one thing of this place with the exception of me getting my own room from my spoiled brat of a sister. There wasn't just one particular reason I disliked her, there was a list as long as the list of every star named in this universe dedicated as into why I'd hate her. She wasn't a nice person and the last person I'd want to see by my bedside when death decides to claim. They said you'd become close as you get older but which was a heap of bullshit.

Thanks to her, I was labeled as the one with an undying attitude and the one who never couldn't understand the love of a family or rather was the best one to blame. I was the one who grew with the list of insults, not her. The phrase, loyalty before blood meant a lot more to me than mere words. Alas, it was another tragedy for me to cherish.

Moving maybe was for the best, maybe I'd get to bury the haunting memories of my tragic lost childhood or forgot that urge to drink myself to death. Regardless of this pit of unwavering thoughts, I could take delight in the fact that there were no Punjabi family around or even seen until the back lane. This cult-de-sac was like the dream haven I had only dreamed off. A place of sanity for my almost insane mind.

Feeling oddly energized I took joy when unpacking.

Even until I screamed at the sight of the couple of hairy spiders dangling down from my ceiling fan like a hairy bunch with white teeth.


Short one indeed, longer ones AWAIT!

Ah, just celebrate Diwali in school, about 10 days late. Our year is so whack. 😂


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