Awkward Encounters

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I was a very mean child in kindergarten. I have no idea why but I was just very hostile towards other students, never thinking of consequences.

There was this new girl in my kindergarten class, and she really nice, but I hated her. Just randomly, when she stepped into the classroom the first time, my head went like, "you're going to despise this girl for the rest of kindergarten".

Who the hell does that?

She even sat at the same table I sat at. At some many attempts to be friends with me, I ignored her until she stopped trying. Gosh, I felt like a bitch. There was also this one time when I was handed scissors and I had to pass it to her, who was in front of me. Instead, I passed it to the person behind me like the devil child I was.

She and I weren't in anymore classes together after kindergarten and she moved to another school during third grade.

After third grade, I got transferred to another school for fourth grade. Now, fast forward to the middle of my fifth grade year, the girl moved back into the county. And the most ironic part was that she was the new student in my class...again!

This time, the hate I felt had faded away and I found it ridiculous that I even hated her for no reason. My eyes were wide with surprise as the teacher introduced her to the class, and in my head, I was like, "shit just got real."

She even remembered me!

Eventually, she and I had a mutual friendship and talked from time to time until I moved to another school after 7th grade.

My next encounter was also with a girl from my kindergarten class.

And guess what?

I hated her in kindergarten too.

This one wasn't from face to face though. She found me on Facebook!

One day, she just sent me a friend request, and I thought that she was one of my cousin's friend since in her bio, it stated that she went to the same school as my cousin. That was until, she messaged me asking if I remembered her.

Then I asked her if she remembered, Kelly, the girl I unknowingly hated, and she said yeah. Then she went on to say that she thought I hated her too. I was like, "whaaat?"

I probably hated everyone.

Then she was like, "Yeah! I remembered when I tried to be friends with you but you always rolled your eyes at me."

The guilt was for real you guys. The guilt was for real.

The conversation was only a one time thing, and she and I never talked to each other again after that.

I indeed learned my lesson.

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