The Wedding of River Song

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5:02pm, 22 April 2011

Area 52

The Doctor, now clean and freshly shaven and back in his favourite tweed jacket, stepped out of the railway carriage where he had woken up after Amy had shot him with her stun gun.

He looked around the storage area, hidden inside an Egyptian pyramid with a large American flag painted on the side, with great interest while the redhead in question came out behind him and called: "Captain Williams."

Rory walked up instantly, and the Doctor grinned at his former best friend. The soldier simply looked at him a little strangely before he handed the Doctor a black eye patch.

"Right this way, sir." Captain Williams said as he led the way away from the station, down some steps and deeper inside Area 52.

The Doctor went willingly though he didn't put the eye patch on as Rory had clearly intended for him to do. Instead, the Time Lord examined the device, turning it over and over in his hands and peering at it from different angles even as he walked behind Rory.

"You have to put it on, sir." Rory said at last as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"An eye patch." The Doctor said thoughtfully as he followed Rory through the tunnel they were now in. "What for?"

"It's not an eye patch." Amy sighed, while Rory said strictly but politely: "It's an eye drive, sir. It communicates directly with the memory centres of the brain. Acts as external storage."

"Only thing that works on them." Amy added with a slight scoff as they reached a room in the centre of the tunnel. "Because no living mind can remember these things.""

The Doctor raised a brow as he looked around at the softly lit room, the soft blue hues coming as a result from the various water tanks lining the edges of the room. And inside each tank, suspended in clear liquid, were-

"The Silence." Rory announced while the Doctor stared almost impassively at the aliens in the tanks. Almost, because he couldn't quite hide his anger as he gazed upon the alien race that had made those who he loved most suffer so much.

"We've captured over a hundred of them now, " Rory added. "All held in this pyramid."

"Yeah." The Doctor muttered as he stared one of the Silence in the face. "I've encountered them before. Always wondered what they looked like."

"Well, put your eye drive on and you'll retain the information." Amy answered. "But only for as long as you're wearing it."

The Doctor frowned and he turned away from the Silence to look at Amy thoughtfully.

"The Silence have human servants." The Doctor said slowly. "They all wear these."

He held up the eye patch; but Amy just shrugged as she pointed out: "They'd have to."

Rory gestured to the side now that they were done. "This way."

The Doctor placed the eye drive on at last, pressing it on over his right eye and blinking at the sudden blindness because of it while they moved on through the room and toward the other side where there was another tunnel. As they walked, the Silence turned and watched the Doctor's progress, a few making their strange creaking, growling noises as they did.

"They seem to be noticing you." Rory observed, and the Doctor shrugged.

"Yeah, they would." He answered.

They all glanced over to see as more of the Silence turned to watch the Doctor, when Amy piped up with the question that had been on her mind for a long time (at least, she thought it might be a long time): "So why aren't the human race killing the Silence on sight any more?"

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