Christmas Invasion

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Rose screamed while Terry gripped onto the Tardis console as the Tardis went flying madly about, spinning in circles. The Doctor just laughed as he drove them wildly, still high and almost drunk from the after-effects of his regeneration.


Flashback: Two minutes ago

The Tenth Doctor beamed at the two women, and Terry's lips quirked despite herself as she found herself facing a more familiar face of the Doctor's – she wasn't sure she'd ever really get over her shock and hurt she'd first received from Nine – but Rose was looking absolutely ashen.

"Well, Barcelona." The Doctor continued as he started towards the console. "Not too difficult – whoops!"

He caught himself as he tripped over his own feet, his too-big clothes flailing with him, and he only managed to stay upright by grabbing onto the console.

"Doctor!" Terry called in alarm, letting go of Rose to hurriedly rush over to check on the Doctor.

But he waved her off as he stated: "Oh, don't mind me, it's the new body, takes some getting used to."

"I know." Terry answered monotonously. "And I almost walked off a cliff when I tried to argue I was fine after my regeneration."

"Really?" The Doctor asked, brightening. "Did I save you?"

"Oh..." Terry blinked, realizing she'd accidentally given away a spoiler. Oh well, it explained why Eleven had been watching her like a hawk just after she'd regenerated. "Yes, you did."

"Brilliant!" The Doctor crowed. "Molto bene. Ooh, I like that." He suddenly broke off as he rambled. "'Molto bene', sounds very posh. See? Molto bene."

He beamed at Terry, who just stared back at him for a moment.

"I think we should get you to bed." She told him flatly, and the Doctor scoffed: "Bed? What am I, a child, to be sent to bed?"

"You are a child." Terry retorted. "A 900 year-old one. Now, come on, you need-"

"No, no, bed's not any fun." The Doctor pouted. "Barcelona! Dogs without noses, now that is fun."

"Doctor." Terry said severely, but he continued: "Or even the city, Barcelona. Five thousand years into the future, you'd never recognize it."

"Yes, I would." Terry pointed out, and the Doctor shrugged: "It's an expression."

"Doctor, please, you've given Rose enough of a fright..." Terry began, before she trailed off as she remembered the blonde companion.

She looked over at Rose quickly, noting the way Rose was clinging to a pillar as she stared wordlessly at the Doctor, confused and a bit hurt. A wave of guilt crashed over Terry, and she took a step back towards Rose as she began softly: "Rose-"

"Oh, yes, you were here, too." The Doctor said cheerfully, and Rose blinked before hurt flashed across the blonde's face, while Terry smacked the Doctor's head.

"Ow!" He complained, and Terry replied sharply: "You deserved it, Spaceman."

"Spaceman?" He repeated curiously, but Terry ignored him as she scolded: "That wasn't nice, and you knew Rose was there."

"I forgot, things are very difficult to keep track of at the moment." The Doctor answered, and Terry said in exasperation: "There's no way you forgot Rose was here!"

"I did!" He insisted. "But now I've remembered, see?"

He pointed at Rose as he called: "Rose Tyler. There, remembered."

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