Daleks in Manhattan 2

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"We're way beyond half a mile." Solomon noted as they made their way deeper into the tunnels just in case. "There's no collapse, nothing."

"That Diagoras bloke, was he lying?" Martha asked, looking at her friends.

Terry nodded while the Doctor answered grimly: "Looks like it."

"So why'd he want people to come down here?" Frank wondered, when the Doctor said seriously: "Solomon, I think it's time you took these two back."

He nodded at Frank and Martha as he explained: "I'll be much quicker when it's just me and Terry."

Martha shot him an offended look while Terry smacked his arm for his insensitivity, when a pig's squeals echoed suddenly around them.

They all whipped around sharply, trying to see in the darkness, and Solomon asked in a low voice: "What the hell was that?"

They peered around cautiously, when Frank suddenly shouted: "Hello?"

"Sh!" Martha shushed, while Solomon scolded: "Frank."

"What if it's one of the folk gone missing?" Frank argued. "You'd be scared and half mad down here on your own."

"Do you think they're still alive?" The Doctor questioned, raising one brow, and Frank pointed out: "Heck, we ain't seen no bodies down here. Maybe they just got lost."

More squeals echoed around them, causing the tension to mount even higher as Solomon noted dryly: "I know I never heard nobody make a sound like that."

"Where's it coming from?" Frank wondered, trying to locate the source.

The squeals sounded again, coming from the Doctor's left and he slowly made his way down the sewer as Frank noted: "Sounds like there's more than one of them."

"This way." The Doctor murmured as he walked even further, but Solomon gestured down another path as he heard the squeal once more, coming from further down: "No, that way."

Solomon pointed his torch down the tunnel, Martha joining him, while Terry glanced around warily. Martha spotted a figure, crouched in the far corner down the tunnel pathway, and she called: "Terry. Doctor?"

They all peered down the tunnel, shining their various lights to try and get a better view. The Doctor's frown deepened, while Solomon called: "Who are you?"

The figure grunted quietly, still hiding its face as it huddled in on itself, and Terry warned as the Doctor started forward: "Theta, be careful."

He glanced at her, while Frank called: "Are you lost?"

"Angel, what is it?" The Doctor asked, while – as the figure didn't reply - Frank tested: "Can you understand me?"

"Be ready to run." Terry informed the Doctor, and he paused while Frank called bravely to the figure: "I've been thinking about folk lost down-"

"It's all right, Frank." The Doctor interrupted, holding out a hand to stop Frank from getting any closer after Terry's warning. "Just stay back. Let me have a look."

Frank glanced at the Doctor, puzzled, and Terry murmured: "You stick with me, Frank."

The boy glanced at her this time, blinking in confusion, while the Doctor walked carefully towards the figure as he called soothingly: "He's got a point, though, my mate Frank. I'd hate to be stuck down here on my own. We know the way out."

Terry looked around again, keeping her eyes and ears open, as the Doctor continued while he approached the figure: "Daylight. If you come with us..."

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