Midnight 4

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Terry's eyes widened while there was another moment's silence, before Dee Dee said slowly as she looked between the Doctor and Sky: "Hold on, did she?"

"She spoke first." Jethro agreed while Terry was leveling a dark look over at Sky.

"She can't have." Val protested, but Hobbes murmured shakily: "She did."

"She spoke first." Claude whispered, and Sky said softly as she looked at the Doctor: "Oh, look at that. I'm ahead of you."

"Oh, look at that." The Doctor said slowly, frozen where he stood beside Terry and unable to move as he repeated Sky's words. "I'm ahead of you."

Terry stared at the Doctor with terrified eyes as he stared back at her, fear filling his own eyes as he found himself unable to move.

"Did you see?" Hobbes was saying in a panic. "She spoke before he did. Definitely."

"He's copying her." Jethro added, sounding scared now, and Claude asked: "Doctor, what's happening?"

"I think it's moved." Sky purred, and the Doctor repeated: "I think it's moved."

"I think it's letting me go." Sky added with a sigh, and the Doctor agreed: "I think it's letting me go."

"Angel! It's got me." The Doctor called in his mind, and Terry cried back in utter despair: "No sh*t, Sherlock!"

"What do you mean?" Dee Dee was asking Sky. "Letting you go from what?"

"But he's repeating now." Biff pointed out as he nodded at the Doctor. "He's the one doing it. It's him."

"They're separating." Jethro breathed, and Hobbes called: "Mrs. Silvestry, is that you?"

"Yes. Yes, it's me." Sky answered, and the Doctor repeated. "I'm coming back. Listen."

"Listen." The Doctor finished in a choked whisper, and Terry was frightened as the Doctor cried to her in utter fear: "Angel, save me."

"It's like it's passed into the Doctor." Jethro was saying shakily. "It's transferred. Whatever it is, it's gone inside him."

"No, that's not what happened." Dee Dee argued, but Val exclaimed as she pointed at Sky, who was starting to look and move normally again: "But look at her."

"Look at me, I can move." Sky agreed as she stretched her hand, while the Doctor repeated her words, as in his mind he cried: "Angel! Help me!"

"I can feel again." Sky purred as she slowly started to get back to her feet, and the Doctor repeated: "I can feel again."

"I'm coming back to life." Sky murmured and Terry's heart broke as the Doctor said, his eyes filling with tears as he stared at Terry: "I'm coming back to life."

"I don't know how to." Terry admitted, shaking. How to save him? Should she grab Sky and drag the woman out? But the others wouldn't understand and try to stop her – and Terry knew with her small frame it was doubtful if she would even be able to drag Sky on her own.

"And look at him." Sky added as she looked at the Doctor. "He can't move."

"And look at him." The Doctor repeated. "He can't move."

"Angel!" He cried in his mind, and Terry's jaw locked.

"It's in him." Biff insisted. "Do you see? I said it was him all the time."


"She's free. She's been saved." Val agreed, but Dee Dee insisted: "That's not what happened."

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