Chapter 15

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I woke up and couldn't remember where I was. The room was practically spinning, but when it passed I realized where I was. The hospital. The guy must have really messed me up. I still couldn't feel the pain. These drugs are extremely good and kicking some major ass. I hate pain. My arms hurt.. Well, not my arms.. More like my wrists. I move my hand up my arm and feel the IV. Fuck do I hate needles. I close my eyes and inhale, trying to forget about it. "Hannah..." I hear a familiar voice. I open my eyes and look towards the direction where the voice came from. Cali! She's alive?! Or maybe i'm just dreaming? Or the drugs are kicking too much ass?!?! "Cali?!" I say. I try to sit up, but I can't really move. My body is too weak to pick itself up. "Is this real?" I ask her. "What are you talking about?!" She says. "I should be kicking your ass!" She yells towards me. "Cali.. What did I do?" I ask her, very unsure of what is happening. I don't even know if this is real. "Hannah! You've been in a coma for 3 months! You don't remember?" She says. Coma? No way. I must be dreaming. "Coma?" I ask her, "W-What did I do?" "You sliced your wrists.. Mom found you in a pool of your blood. They just left.. I've been here all day." She stopped, I could hear the tears trying to make their way out. "You can't do stupid things like that to me, Hannah! I love you so much! You can't leave me all alone! I need you! You are all I have! Hannah promise me you'll never do this again to me? Please." She pleaded.

"I promise."

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