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Remember I mention about Joey in enemies?

Yeah, I have decided she doesn't deserve my apologies.

She still hasn't change.

She lied to me.

She lied to me so many times.

Lies over lies.

She thought of being friends with me again.

But why would I want to when she lied to me.

She just wants to use me.

She is a bully.

Don't go near her, Daniel.

Don't. Stay away from her.

She doesn't care about anyone but herself.

And there is no one to stand up against her when she bullies me, she insults me.

But I stand up for others.

Oh, how long will this go on?

For I cannot take this for long.

There is no one to support me when I fall.

But I am always there when someone does.

Can someone please help me?

(date written: 28/8/2014)

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