Chapter 24: Startled Much

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Sunday, 9:26 AM

I woke up startled. I reached over to grab my watch. 9:26. I had really slept for that long? I jumped off of the rock hard floor and walked over to the other teepee Carrie was sleeping in. To my dismay, Carrie was once again not there.

I walked around the area of the teepees. I stopped. I could hear muffled voices. I peered around the corner and I saw Carrie! But the only thing is, Jack was holding a sharp object in his hand. He was holding it against her throat.

"Tell me where your other friend is!" Jack said yelling.

"It's top secret, by the way. We technically aren't 'friends'." Carrie said glancing over to my direction.

I looked around at my surroundings. Nothing but darkness. I saw a large object in front of me about 4 steps away. I ran quietly and grabbed the large object. It was a massive vase.

"Step away from the girl." I said trying to make my voice sound deeper, more like a mans voice, to make them think I was a security guard. Hoping I could scare the two men.

"Who are you?" Larry asked taking a few steps towards me.

"That's for you to find out. Now step away before someone gets hurt, badly." I said.

The two men ran away from Carrie. I threw the vase their direction to try to scare them even more.

"Carrie come on, move now before they come back." I said gesturing to her

Me and Carrie ran back to the teepees and sat down. We were both breathing hard.

"What happened back there?" I asked, swallowing a lump in my throat.

"We'll you see, I decided to take a walk since you were sleeping and I ran into those two men. They grabbed me and forced me to tell them where you were. So I refused, knowing that they might kill you if I told them." Carrie said.

"Carrie thanks for doing that for me, but you honestly need to be more carful. I know once we get back to school we might be sworn enemies again, but I still want to watch out for you." I said, reaching over to give Carrie a hug.

"One thing I find suspicious Carrie," I started to say "I haven't seen one security guard yet. What do you think happened to all of them?" I finished

"Well, why don't we find out for our selves?" Carrie asked

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