Chapter 17: I Regret Coming to This Museum

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10: 57 AM

I woke up in a dimly lit room with four candles in each corner of the room. I was strapped down a bed made out of metal in one corner of the room, my head was cushioned by a thin pillow. I looked over beside me. Carrie was strapped down in an identical bed, she looked like she was unconscious. My head was hurting really bad. Almost like someone had hit my head with a hammer. I tried to move, but it was no use. My arms were hand cuffed to the bed.

I heard footsteps. I looked up to meet the gase of a man staring down at me. The man had a scraggly black beard, and was wearing all black. He also seemed in his 40's

"Hello kid." the man said

"What are you going to do to me?" I blurted out before i had realized what I said.

"I dont know yet. But I do have some thing prepared for you if you try to escape." the man chuckled.

Just then another man walked through the door. This man was the man I ran into when my class first came to the museum. He was wearing all black with grey beggy sweats and was carrying a crow bar in his left hand. This man looked quite a bit younger, maybe in his 20's and instead of a beard he had a thin mustache.

"Hey Jack, looks like the one kid is awake now!" the younger man said with a chuckle.

"What do you think we should do to them for sneeking around in the museum, Larry?" the older man Jack asked.

"Hey um before you too far, where on earth are we?" I asked

"You are in the basement of the museum, but we're in a spot where NO-ONE I repeat, NO-ONE will ever even look.'' the younger man Larry said. "and Jack, I have the perfect idea." Larry continued.

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