Chapter 15: Escape

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9:55 AM

"Claire, do what I say. Run and don't stop." Carrie whispered into my ear.

So I reluctantly agreed. It felt like I ran an faster than the speed of light.


Eventually after approximately 10 minutes, we came to the teepees.


I had ran into Carrie. Why doesn't the museum install windows?

"Watch it Claire! You can be so clumsy sometimes!" Carrie snapped at me. Pushing what just happened aside, I ran into my teepee.

"Carrie come here! I hear footsteps!" I whispered quietly. Carrie ran into my teepee and sat down beside me.

"What did you see down those stairs back there?" I asked Carrie in almost a silent whisper.

"I...saw two men." Carrie said breathing heavily.

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