Chapter 2

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Dedicated to AndyChuksJnr

Unedited... ignore mistakes and errors.


We arrived at St Mary's hospital. Mum was finally able to put herself together and was even telling me to calm down that nothing bad will happen.
But she looked like she wanted to convince herself too and I couldn't calm myself down because this was my dad we were talking about.

My dad. My role model. My idol.

We ran to the reception area. Mum and Caleb were talking to the nurse but I wasn't paying attention.

Immediately I was told he was involved in accident, I had a strong feeling of deja vu. I just kept praying and hoping he was okay.

"He is in emergency room 59. Use the elevator," was all I heard and my family and I ran towards the elevator.
The ride up on the elevator were the longest seconds of my life.

I didn't know what to expect when the elevator door opens. What will the doctor say. Will my dad be ok. Will he be alive or.... no. Chelsea don't go there. He is ok. Just an accident he probably only hit his head on the door or the window's glass. That thought made me shiver.

My mom was quiet. She hasn't said anything since the phone call except when she was talking to the nurse. I could see my brothers were trying to stay strong for all of us.

The elevator dinged and the door opened while we rushed out into the hallway. We were currently on the second floor so we rushed down till we saw the room 59.

We were outside the door when a doctor met us. He was tall, not as tall as Caleb or Drake but probably a good 6ft. His hair was balding and he looked like he was in his fifties.

"Mrs Anderson?" He asked.

"That would be me." my mum replied softly.

"Please I will like to speak to you let's go over to the waiting room."

"We are speaking already. What's happening to my husband. Is he okay? Can we see him? What's going on." My mum had lost it. She was a mess right now. Drake held her hand so she would calm down. The doctor smiled gently at her. I think he was used to this situations by now. He led us to the waiting room were we stood patiently.

"Don't worry ma' am, he is stabilised now." The doctor said "your husband was rushed here earlier on. He was a victim in a terrible car accident. A drunken driver was driving out of a street and hit them on the high way. Mr Anderson had most of the impact since he was at the owners corner of the car and the car hit that part mostly. But luckily the police were able to get to the scene on time before it became worse. The driver survived with a few scratches here and there. Unfortunately, the other driver, the drunken one died immediately. While your husband though it looks like he broke some bones, we are trying to to wait for him to wake up to see if we will run a ct scan."


It was Caleb that broke the silence.
"He hasn't woken up, why?"

The doctor smiled sadly at us and said
"He is in a coma."


"Can we see him, now" my mum asked. She had finally calmed down. It was as if all hell broke loose when the doctor said dad was in a coma. Till now I couldn't believe it. Caleb held mom tight in a hug so she wouldn't hurt herself because she looked like she wanted to go crazy. I was holding Drake tight while he hugged me back. It was as if if we let go we were letting go of our sanity.

"Yes follow me" we went back to the room my dad was at temporarily. I was bracing myself. Trying to get my self prepared for what I will see.

"D-dad..." I choked when I saw him. He was nothing like what the doctor explained. He was 100 times worse. Wires were connected to his body. His brown skin looked pale. I'm sure if he was my mum's colour he would be looking blue by now.
Yes. My dad was black while my mum was white. The only trace of life in him was his chest that was rising from time to time to show he was breathing. Let's not go to the injuries. His whole body was bruised. His arm had a big injury which was sure to leave a mark when it healed. His legs also had injuries on them. They were tiny injuries on his face that looked like thousands pieces of broken glass fell on him.

My mum went to his side, knelt down took his hand and was crying. I couldn't take it any more. My dad was lying on the bed half alive and my mum in her must vunerable state.

"No. I can't" I muttered to myself and ran out of the door.
"Chelsea" I heard Drake call me but I didn't bother turning to answer him. I didn't know where I was going to but I kept running. I will bother on how I will find my way back later.

I saw a door at a corner and opened it gently and it led into a balcony.
Finally I can get fresh air.

I kept on thinking on how this night which would have ended happily turned upside down. Thinking of everything was saddening especially the fact that it hit so close to home. I didn't even know who to blame. The drunken driver? But he is dead. How could a happy night end like this. With my dad in a coma?

Will he wake up? I hope so.

And please with his memory too.

No he has to. I didn't know when a tear slid down my face. After a while I let them flow then I sniffed.

I had to stay strong. He wasn't going to be in a coma all his life so I had to stay strong for him and for myself. With that little self talk. I cleaned my eyes and left the balcony.

This is where the problem starts I didn't know how to find my way back to his room. The hallway looked like a maze but instead of green it had light blue walls with doors every where leading to new hallways or rooms. This is going to be hard.

I started walking through the hallways turning at any hallway and checking the numbers on the dark brown doors. 123, 125 127... ok it's the other way then. 59 right?

I turned sharply to go back to the hallway leading to 59 when I bumped into a hard chest.

Or more like a hard chest bumped into me...

I moved back a little as strong hands steadied me. I looked up to see who I bumped into. Oh my.

What a beauty!

Or handsome-ness. I've forgotten the adjective to use for guys as handsome as this. It's as if an alarm was turned in my head ringing...

Boy, this guy was fine!

"Watch it!" He said looking at me for the first time with his beautiful hazel eyes. Such a fine guy but he had to open his mouth to ruin it. But i didn't care cause his voice was as beautiful as his face. Ok. Chelsea it's okay, you were going some where.

I stepped back again "u-uhhmm... I'm S-sorry." And I had to stutter. Chelsea get a grip. He is just an extremely gorgeous guy.

With an extremely drool worthy face.

Okay. Back to my first mission. Find my dad's room. I wanted to ask Mr drool worthy face where I could find ward 59 but by the time I looked up he was no longer there.


A/N hope you enjoyed it.

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