chapter 1

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The phone rang.

"Whose phone is that?" My mum asked. We were having our once in a while family dinner were my mum cooked her signature Lasagna and a lot of nice side dishes with chicken soup. She had different dishes for different dinners but I loved today's cause of the Chicken soup. People usually took it only when they were sick but I took it all year round, sick or not. Once again we were almost complete for the dinner.

Key word. Almost.

We were rarely complete for these dinners. Either my dad wasn't home -he was always travelling- or my brothers were in college or one funny excuse or the other or my mum had a fashion event to attend. I was the only constant in all dinners.

Trust the Andersons to give you stupid excuses. Like the last time, after persuading my mum he was coming for dinner, my brother Drake called last minute and said "sorry mum. I guess I can't come for the dinner cause my roommate went back home today." Duh? He went to see his family more reason you should come back to see your own family.

"Not mine" I said.
"Neither is it mine" my eldest brother Caleb said.
"It's probably the house phone. Chelsea go get it" my other brother Drake said.

"No" I narrowed my eyes at him."I'm eating" I said immediately stuffing my mouth with lasagna. "We all are, just go pick it." he laughed. This boy was annoying.

"Chelsea, go get it okay?" Oh no. My mum had to interfere. And when she said it like that you couldn't say no.

I groaned, stomped my feet and glared at my brother who was just smirking at me.

Perks of being the last born.(note the sacarsm)

I went to pick the phone which was still ringing. This person had patience though.


No answer.

Is this a prank call or what?

"They have to pick the call so we will know what to do next?" Ooops... some one was there and they person sounded like he was in a haste and... worried? Wierd.

"Hello?" I tried again.

"Is this Mrs Anderson?" I Heard a lady's voice. "No but I can get her on the phone" I turned to look at my mum who was engrossed in a conversation with my brothers.

"Mum," I called "this is for you." I said holding out the phone to her.

"Ok, hold on." She collected the phone while I went back to continue my meal.
"Who was that" Caleb asked. Caleb was the mature brother. Calm, collected, responsible but Drake on the other hand could be a pain in the ass. But I was quite closer to Drake because we were just one year a part and we've been through shit together but he was still a pain in the ass.

"I don't know. The asked of mum and the sounded I don't know... off?"
"Wierd." Drake said. Ya that was...

"WHAT?!" my mum's screaming cut off my thoughts and we all turned at the same time to look at her as the colour drained on her face as she dropped the phone.

My two brothers ran to her as she slid down on the floor. Caleb collected the phone while Drake kept asking her what was wrong.

I could be crazy or unobservant but I always had the ability to know when something was wrong. And right now I could feel that something terrible bad was about to happen. Or had already happened. But I couldn't move. I was frozen.

I saw as the colour drained from Caleb's face. He dropped the phone and started running towards the kitchen.

I finally found my voice and turned to follow him into the kitchen."What's wrong?" I asked calmly. I didn't want to add more tension because I saw he was struggling to stay calm.

"Go get mum's shoes. Have you seen my keys. We need to leave now." He said in a hurry. I barely even heard him.

I rushed out to get his keys and my mum's shoes. When I came back he was in the dinning room again with my brother, both already had their shoes on. My mum was still on the floor.

"Did you see them?" He asked referring to the keys.

"Yes," I replied and threw them at him which he caught easily "they were in your room. What's wrong?"

"We have to leave now." Caleb said clearly ignoring me.

"Chelsea, calm down get into the car." Drake said lifting mum effortlessly and taking her to the car.

Caleb was driving, I was shot gun while Drake had to stay with mum at the back since he was the one who could calm her down well and trust me he wasn't the better driver.

I had an ill feeling in my guts. What was wrong. Why was no one talking. Caleb was literally speeding and his jaw was locked tight.

"What is wrong" I asked again.


What happened to dad he was meant to be coming back from New York today and he insisted that we have dinner without him and that we shouldn't bother picking him from the airport since his driver was going to be doing that.

"The hospital called. They said he was involved in an accident."



A/N that was the first chapter. I hope you liked it. Sorry if it wasn't that nice , I promise the next chapters will be better. I'm trying to build the plot here.😘

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