11. Ziam

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A/N: First of, Woohoo this already got over 2500 reads. You guys are amazing! Thank you :) So this is from a prompt @Hayley_Cave gave me. Hope it you like it hun! Enjoy! :)

I don't know exactly why I was standing outside Liam's apartment. If you would ask me why I followed him, I honestly couldn't explain. Okay maybe that was a lie, I knew why. I just decided to ignore what my heart was telling me. You see I've been in love with Liam Payne for about a year now, but I knew I couldn't act on those feelings. He was with Danielle after all and they were happy together. So I had pushed those feelings back. Locked them up somewhere deep down inside me. I tried to ignore it and did my best to act normal, act as his friend. But it was hard. Like tonight. We were all over at Larry Stylinsons place and they had invited a few others friends to. So I had been talking to this girl. I don't even know her name anymore more, nor do I care. She had been pretty annoying anyway and it was all to clear what she wanted, to get in my pants. I had already told her more than once that it wasn't going to happen, that I wasn't interested, but she wouldn't give up. I looked around the room for help or an excuse to get away, when my else fell upon Liam. Frowning when I saw the look upon his face. He looked absolutely pissed, while ignoring Danielle how seem to do her best to get him to calm down. It didn't help, because a moment later he stormed out of the room. But not before sending a glare in my direction. It wasn't aimed at me, so I guessed it was for someone behind me. Still I wondered what could have happened or what he could have seen to piss him off like that. He was normally such a calm and collected guy.

Before I knew what what happening I was following him and that's how I found myself outside his door. Listening to the argument on the other side. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but what I was hearing stunned me. Leaving me completely dazed and flabbergasted.

“Why are you defending his disgusting behavior.” I heard Liam yell, making me wonder what Danielle had said to make him yell at her like that. And who's disgusting behavior was he talking about? As far as I had seen everyone had behaved pretty well.

“Because he wasn't behaving like that. He was just talking and it is you who is seeing things that weren't there.” Danielle was explaining to him calmly. “And if there was something there, it was only one-sided.”

“Yeah from his side” Liam sneered.

By now I was really anxious to know who it was they were talking about. And why did Liam care so much about what this person was doing? It wasn't any of his business really.

“No it was her. If anything he looked kind of annoyed with her to be honest. I think he just didn't have the heart to tell her to go away.” That was Danielle again.

“Yeah right. I'm telling you Dani, he was flirting with her. He probably was in a bad need for a shag or something, because she wasn't even that pretty.”

“And I keep telling you, you are imagining things” Danielle countered. Beginning to sound annoyed “Zayn wasn't flirting with her.”

WHAT?! I gasped, my eyes widening in shock. Tell me I didn't just hear that right. That I'm imagining things. They couldn't possible be talking about me. Why would they? Why would they care. Why would Liam care so much?

“I know what I saw” Liam growled. Even in my shocked state I could still register how frustrated and angry he sounded.

“You want to believe that, fine. I give up.” I heard movement and rustling inside.

“Where are you going?” Liam's question sounded startled.

“Home.” Was Danielle's short response.

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