'ritin' 'n a'cksen' t ss '''''

368 11 16

*writing in accents*

there's a fine line between writing a realistic, comprehensible new york accent and an unreadable cluster fuck of apostrophes.

when a writer is able to capture a believable accents in a newsies fic, the characters seem much more developed and well written.

what's NOT helpful to your story is when i cANT fUcKiNG rEaD tHE diALoGUE cAUSE THERES TOO MANY APOSTROPHES ''''''''

also, if you're going to give the character an accent, try to make it fit with their character.

for example, everyone's favorite gaggle of newsboys is mostly uneducated so it makes sense for them to speak in broken english with some slang and improper pronunciation.

HOWEVER, if your writing an oc who comes from a background of luxury, it doesn't make sense for them to speak like the newsboys.

for my next point i shall be presenting to you normal writing vs writing in a bad new york accent:

"Hey, that girl is very pretty and nice. I really love her hair!"


"Aye, dat gorls 'ery perty 'n 'ice. Ise real'y loves 'er 'air!"

see? it's just too much to the point where the dialogue invalidates your writing skillz.

okay, that's all. thank you for coming to my ted talk.

(idk if any of this made sense but i'm tired so i don't really give a fuck.)

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