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as we all know, having a character with a different nickname they go by is pretty common in the world of newsies. however, not every character NEEDS one, and sometimes its best to just have a character go by their actual name.

for example: jack, elmer, henry, albert

there's also the option of shortening the original name or switching it up a lil bit

ex: davey, jojo

I've read too many fan fictions that go like this:

"okay this is the new kid, michaelangelo," jack called as the other newsies began to circle around, "he's gonna be working with us for a bit."

"well, in that case, he NEEDS to have a nickname RIGHT NOW," finch said, inspecting the new boy, "any ideas??"

all at once the newsies began to shout out options.

"big boi!"
"shark bait!"

"uh," the new kid spoke up, "most people just call me mikey"

"why didn't I get a mandatory nickname??" questioned albert.

"shut up, albert"

"oKAY! it's decided, "said racetrack, "welcome to the newsie family, shark bait."

and the new kid was forever known as shark bait, the end.

and the new kid was forever known as shark bait, the end

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