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"junhui!" his mom calls from downstairs, where him and minghao were still asleep after a long night. minghao woke up almost instantly, brushing junhui's hair out of his face with his fingers. "your mom's calling you," he whispered. junhui hummed in response and slid out of bed, groaning and stretching. 

"yes, mom?" "so, i told you i wanted to talk to you about something right?" "mhm?" "minghao.." junhui gasped quietly. "...he's been here for a while. do you know when he's leaving? i mean, it's not that i mind that much, but he doesn' here." "i'm aware, mom.. i don't know. his home isn't exactly what i would call a 'safe' environment. they barely talk to him, and his dad is homophobic and stuff." "i know. of course i feel bad for him. but junhui, we arent his parents. his mother and father didn't even want him staying here. i don't want to imagine what they would do when he gets home to them." junhui buried his face in his hands. "mom..." he groaned. "i'm sorry." he sighed and proceeded to walk back up to his bedroom, where he found minghao awake, on instagram. junhui tried to act unfazed by his recent conversation with his mother. "i saw your new post, it's cute," he smiled. minghao looked up from his phone. "thank you," he blushed. he felt the bed dip as junhui went back in, wrapping his arms around minghao's small waist. minghao set his phone down next to him and turned around to kiss junhui. "you're adorable." junhui blushed. "nah sis," "yes sis. don't disagree with me," he pouted. junhui placed a kiss on his pouty lips. "oh, fine."


a/n: short but wow i've been feeling like absolute shit lately

between how hard math has been , plus me stressing about my weight all the time, your girl is dying a lil bit. anyways :)))))))))) ihatemyselfsomuch okay bye

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