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Ft. Lily Potter

Lily's POV

Draco's hand fit perfectly in mine, it was odd how I'd taken this sweet feeling for granted but never again. The three of us walked into the Great Hall which was beginning to fill with morning sunlight and was just as busy as it would have been on a regular school day. Everyone was looking at us, whether it be outright or trying to sneak a few glances pretending to mind their own business. 

Ron and Hermione came up to us hand-in-hand, happy smiles on their faces and embraced us. Ginny walked up next hugging all of us and taking Harry's hand. Blaise, Amelia and the gang appeared, hugging Draco and I, and shaking hands with the Gryffindors. Harry and I glanced around the room, looking for our cousin to find her sitting with George, who was talking with his brothers but he didn't really look involved. We decided to leave her there to be there for her boyfriend. 

"Come on, guys." The small party walked out along the bridge past the courtyard, looking out over the land that had been swarming with our enemies. A few dead giants and trolls who'd been slaughtered upon their siege of the school, across the narrow road and Hermione used her wand to levitate them off the bridge. 

Harry held the Elder wand as we walked, twirling it between his fingers. "Why didn't it work for him, the Elder Wand?" Ginny asked, causing Harry and I to stop.

"Becuase it answered to somebody else," Harry answered, looking around at us all. "When Riddle killed Snape, he thought the wand would become his because Snape killed Dumbledore," Harry explained. "The thing is, the wand never belonged to Snape, it was Lily who disarmed Dumbledore that night on the Astronomy Tower."

His eyes fell on me, everyone else's following and he stepped towards me, holding out the beautiful wand towards me. "So that means..." Blaise started.

"It's mine," I whispered, taking it from Harry the feeling of power surging through me as it had with my wand when I'd bought it from Ollivanders. The wand had formed a crack, tearing itself apart under Riddle's use against me, its master and my touch fixed it. I was wielding the most powerful wand in the world. 

"This is a piece of the Deathly Hallows," Harry started. "As is what lies in your pocket."

Digging into the little pocket of the white dress, I pulled out what I'd placed inside my tracksuits a few hours earlier. "The Resurrection Stone."

Harry nodded, turning to Hermione. "Mione, may I have your beaded bag for a moment?"

She gave it to him with a puzzled expression, cringing at the sound of books and objects being thrown about as he dug his way around the Extension Charm. Finally, he pulled out a folded cloak. "You Invisibility Cloak, Harry," I commented.

"Actually," He placed it in both my hands, one containing the wand the other the stone. "It's ours and I now give it to you."

"Oh my gosh," Hermione gasped. "Lily, you've reunited the–"

"The Deathly Hallows," I interrupted her, my mind racing. 

"Yeah, you're now the living, breathing master of death himself." Harry shrugged, a small smile on his face.

"Thank you." I gave him a one-armed hug. 

"Ah, don't mention it," He brushed it off, wrapping an arm around my waist and we started drifting back to the castle.

"So tell me, Lily," Ron spoke up. "What was it like working alongside Voldemort?" 

The Slytherins let out a stressed chuckle, their eyes floating to me. "Oh don't fret, it had it's perks, being able to spend some quality times with my friends torturing people and I got engaged."

"Congratulations, by the way," Ron added. 

"But honestly," I paused, looking at my brother. "Every minute of it felt was like I was being tortured."

Tortured :||: Loved Series #5Where stories live. Discover now