6) Ugly Name For An Ugly Face

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Ft. Malfoy Manor

Lily's POV

Moonlight streamed through the gaps in the curtains, illuminating Draco's magnificent hair, making it glow. Glancing at his wristwatch on the stand, it read five o'clock in the morning. Slipping carefully out of his hold as not to disturb him, his arm slipping from around my waist, I wrapped my black cloak around myself, trying to protect me from the cold. 

The house was eerily silent when I came into the hallway, rays of ghostly moonlight peaked through windows, casting the rest of the house in darkness. Moving slowly, to avoid floorboards creaking, I made my way across the house to the other wing towards the music room I'd discovered a couple weeks ago. 

The instruments gleamed in the moonlight and I longed to release the magical sound that hadn't filled my ears in a long time. The darkness of this place was finally getting to me I think, there was a constant cloud over the sky, pressing down the fear that practically oozed out of every crevice of this world. This facade was exhausting, living in constant fear not only from Riddle but from everyone and not only for myself but for Draco and what would become of his family. But I knew, if there was an opportunity to get out of this hell hole, I would take it and hope to Merlin Draco would come with me. 

There it was, that sound, drawing me out of my thoughts. The baby's cries were louder now as I stepped out into the hallway, looking into the growing darkness. The wailing twinged my every nerve and made the hair on the back of my neck stand up, everything urging me to go forward but my instincts, they told me to turn around and go back to bed.

There was a loud crack and the slamming of a few doors downstairs, followed by some shouts and this is what made up my mind. Running back down the hall and down the stairs, I came out into the living room, the same time Draco and his parents arrived. Draco caught my eye, a quizzical look on his face, wondering why I hadn't been in bed I presume. Fenrir Greyback had burst through the doors, surrounded by his Snatcher friends who'd been bringing in Muggle-Borns, three captives within their hold. 

Ron and Hermione were easy to recognise, though their faces were dirty and bruised, their eyes found mine and refused to look away. Harry, however, had obviously had a stinging jinx put on him, no doubt Hermione's idea to try and hide his identity and his eyes also found mine, but they quickly looked away. 

There were footsteps behind me and Bellatrix Lestrange came out of the same door I just had. "Greyback." She greeted coolly. 

I turned my bored gaze back to the werewolf. "Who are these people? Why do you come here at the crack of dawn?" 

"We were hoping you would be able to tell us, Miss Potter." Fenrir sneered, tilting his head to the side and showing off his sharp canines. 

Draco stepped forward, moving towards me. "Well, I've never seen these people in my life. Have you, Lily?"

I shook my head. "Haven't you looked them up in your little book of yours."

"Their names aren't there," Greyback knocked Harry over the head, leaving him slightly dazed. "Said his name was Vernon Dudley."

I laughed at the name. "Ugly name for an ugly face." 

"Yes, what is wrong with his face?" Bella looked to the snatchers.

"Don't know, found him like that."

"We have to be sure," Narcissa recommended. "We cannot summon him here if this isn't the boy."

"What about the others?" Greyback pushed Ron and Hermione, who were bound in ropes onto their knees. "Is this the Mudblood?"

"Surely, this is Granger?" Bella looked to me for confirmation but I feigned a doubtful look.

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