2) Cats With The Sharpest Claws

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Ft. Pansy Parkinson

Lily's POV
By the end of the night, the Death Eaters were calling it the Battle of the Seven Potters as the use of Polyjuice potion had managed to confuse everyone. Draco and I had left later than Lucius and no one suspected a thing. The Order was prepared to fight the numerous offenders as was I to be sure not to let my cover be blown while trying to prevent them from getting killed. They used broomsticks, thestrals and Sirius' flying motorcycle. The shouts of familiar voices filled the air and I noticed Voldemort go after the Harry with Mad-Eye which was Dung, who apparated and Mad-Eye was hit in the face with the Killing Curse and he spiralled to the ground.

I didn't have time to curse Mundungus Fletcher with every colourful word in the book as Hagrid flew through the frenzy of stray spells and thestrals and broomsticks. For a brief moment, my eyes caught Harry's, the real Harry and I knew he could tell it was me even under my silvery mask. Death Eaters pursued him but I stayed back on Voldemort's command, who flew after them.

Bellatrix took my arm and we apparated back to Malfoy Manor, the same time Draco and Lucius did and I hugged him. Bellatrix made a gagging noise behind us and wrapped herself up in her cloak, concealing her figure which she had been doing a lot lately. Draco chuckled in my ear and lead me inside. Narcissa greeted each of us, save her sister, with a hug and bustled into the dining room to prepare dinner.

Half-way through the quiet meal, Riddle stormed in his eyes flashing in a fit of rage. "I'll be needing another wand."

"My Lord?" I inquired what had happened to Lucius'.

"Potter's split the Dragon Heartstring like it was a twig." He mumbled now deep in thought. I found it strange the time he spent obsessing over my brother's and I's death. He rose. "I think I'll be having another word with Mr Ollivander."

He turned in a rustle of cloaks and passed Wormtail on his way down the stairs to the cellar where they were keeping the frail wandmaker. There were a few moments of silence before the terrorised screams filled the manor. People started pouring in after the raid and I helped Narcissa bustle around trying to accommodate everyone. The adults were gathered in the room where we had met over the summer, while in a nearby sitting room the younger generation sat quietly.

We had people missing, Pansy Parkinson's dad, Theodore Nott's father and several others. For the first time some I'd been here Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle and Amelia we're together, Pansy sitting alone by the fire. There were other descendants of Death Eaters here too, Marcus Flint and Millicent Bulstrode. Draco had possessively sat me down in his lap, his hands refusing to move from circling tingles on the sides of my hips. I didn't mind though and played with the beautiful dragon necklace I always wore.

Glancing around the room my eyes fell on Pansy who had just knocked back Amelia's comfort and had silent tears making tracks down her cheeks. I rose and passed a downcast Amelia and squatted beside Pansy, feeling Draco watching me the whole time.

"Pansy?" Her eyes flickered to me, before looking back at the bright flames, which illuminated her face. "Are you okay?"

"No!" She snapped, causing most people in the room to glance over at us. "What kind of question is that? You don't know how I feel right now, so piss-off back to your boyfriend."

"I do actually." She looked up at me in surprise before bowing her head in defeat. I was right and she knew it. "Come on."

I helped her up, gently wrapping an arm around her shoulders and led her to the bathroom which was at the end of the hall. She washed her face, wiping away the tear streaks and turned towards me, her black robes swirling around her ankles. "Thanks for helping me. You didn't have to, I mean, I've never been nice to you."

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