12) Let's End This

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Lily's POV
I slipped the stone into my tracksuit pocket and the spirits of the ones we loved disappeared, but I'd like to believe they were still there watching over us. Together Harry and I walked forward through the maze of trees and roots. There was a blanket of darkness over the forest, but to the east, rays of the morning sun were just peeking over the mountain top.

The clearing loomed into view where Riddle stood waiting, the back of his bald head facing us. Bellatrix stood loyally beside her master, a smug sneer on her face. Lucius and Narcissa stood behind him along with a few other Death Eaters in his close circle, a few had Hagrid in ropes, wands pointed at him.

He gasped upon seeing us arrive. "Harry? Lily? No! What are you doing here?!"

"Quiet!" Yaxley ordered.

Riddle slowly turned around to face us, his eyes flicking from one of us to the other. "Harry and Lily Potter, the Twins who Lived, come to die. It's a blessing really, Lily, you going back to Harry and then coming to me to kill you. Otherwise, I would have had to kill one of my own ranks and I don't think the others would have taken kindly to that, shows just how expendable they are."

No one said anything for a moment, neither of us reacting to the words of the horrible wizard. Riddle easily raised his wand and I closed my eyes, Harry's grip on my hand tightening. A ringing hum filled my ears and my hand was starting to cramp up in Harry's death grip.

"Avada Kedavra!"

My eyes wouldn't open, it felt like years, swimming in an abyss of empty black space. There was no pain, nothing, no feeling, just empty. I felt like I was in a cloud, it was beautiful. Then a bright light came towards me, I tried to swim away from it, but I seemed to float right into it.

"Back so soon?"

My eyes adjusted and I was standing in the rose garden at Beauxbatons, the main building where Maxime and I had lived while I was here standing a few metres away. There was something different though, there was no laughter of the elder girls gossipping about this months hottest celebrity or the running of the youngsters racing to class.

I turn to see my mother pruning the roses. "Mum?" Behind her Sirius, Remus and James were sitting at a white metal table and chair set.

"Hello, dear." She hugged me and I found myself hugging her back. This hug was everything I had imagined it would be to hug my mother, but the fact we were hugging at all had me pulling away.

"I'm dead, aren't I?" Her smile was still on her face but she ignored my question, walking past me over to the table of men playing a muggle card game. "You taught them how to play Snap?"

"Yeah," She chuckled. "Keeps them occupied, seeing as Sirius and James end up slapping each other in the face most of the time."

"That would be a show," I laughed, walking up to my dad who wrapped an around my waist and hugged me to his side.

"How's it going, princess?"

"Oh, you know, just got killed by Voldemort and now I'm trapped in some sort of weird heaven with my parents and my godfathers and no Harry, where is he? Don't tell me I died and he didn't?"

Remus chuckled. "You two are so competitive, even in death. He went to King's Cross."

"Of course, because its the gateway to going home." I nodded. "So, why am I here and not with him?"

"Because, my dear," Sirius slammed his hand down on the cards before James. "This is the place where one of your lives ended and another began. This is the place you became Lily Potter and you were told about your brother."

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