Why would you do this?

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His eyes were so piercing, Like thread through a needle. 

His actions made me feel as if I had worth... But actions have consequences.

He was sweet, like candy.. Laced with nicotine, And I must be the addict.

I loved him 

I Needed him

I wanted him, But we don't always get what we want.

And now, He's gone. I'm left with this strictly platonic love in which will never increase into my hopes and dreams, I can only pray for the better things.

That Jerk! I could scream, but i'm trapped inside my mind, a place where nobody can hear the pleads.

I love you! I could whisper, and it'd echo like an empty room, bouncing back into my own waves of hearing. 

He was everything to me, the frame to my picture, the hammer to my nail, Because he held me together.

He held me together at my worst times, Like the glue that sticks objects together, Never to be separated... Until it wears  off.

And now I'm stuck here, Rotting in my own hole, A hole dug for a place for me to run to and shut myself away, because sometimes the light is just too bright.

But as I sit, I just think that no matter the pain felt, the tears that failed to hold themselves back... I'd still do it all again.

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