18 Days

8 2 0

Miri's War Day 18

Dedicated to Ciaran Davies and Shoshanna Neil, who inspire me.

Today with my therapist Juliet was rough, she was honestly pissed off about my relapse. Not so much that I purged, but that I didn't ask for help, and tried to lie to Anna about it. If I mess up again, I go to inpatient care.

I could look at Juliet's decree as negative, setting me up for failure. But I don't, I can do this, I was for 16 days.

I have to quit worrying about others so much, and focus on myself. People like Jessy Zempel who are mutually supportive, cool, but other wise nope.

I had fun making chocolate chip cookies from scratch with Anna, she teased me about trying to make mine perfect circles. I ate two right out of the oven, mmm.

Despite purging and being sick I weigh 102 pounds, and my blood pressure was 116/74, the best in weeks!

Victory: good vitals, and a last chance to heal at home

Setback: Juliet made me cry 4 times today

Affirmation: I can always run to Tasmania, lol.

Love Unicorns and kittens Miribeth Liebowitz

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