Trust or Not To Be Trusted?

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Point of View: Mika Sasaki

{..... "Where am I..?" I whispered to myself as I walked down the empty hall, the walls and floor rotting away from an old fire. I suddenly heard sobbing noises coming from the end of the hall as I neared.
"Hello?" I said, my voice echoing. As I came to the last door in the hall, I grabbed the knob and instantly let go with a loud gasp. It was scorching hot!
"Papa!" I heard a young voice yell, as black smoke started to pour out the cracks in the door. A kid was trapped in there..! I grabbed the knob again, it burning my hand severely, and shoulder-charged the door until it broke off it's hinges and flung open. I partially covered my face as the flames howled towards me, nearly blinding me as I searched for the child. In the middle of the room stood a little girl, sobbing into her hands as the fire danced all around her.
"Here! Lets go, I'm here to help you! Just take my hand!" I shouted reaching out to her, the building groaning as the fire started to bring it down. Suddenly, the little girl looked up and I dropped my hand, staring at her in shock. She was.. me! When I was six years old, the night the orphanage was burned to the ground. I remember now..
"Papa come back!" Younger me screamed and suddenly the roof collapsed, separating us......}

I sat up with a loud gasp, frantically looking around the room. A dream..? I felt my hand aching and looking into my lap I noticed the skin of my palm was burned. H-how..? It was just a dream..!

There was a knock at my door.


I shouted, hiding my hand under the blankets.

"It's just me."

I recognized Aidou's voice and sighed, relaxing a little.

"Come in."

I said and the door opened, Aidou stepping in wearing his nighttime attire. He let out a loud yawn, his fangs showing as he parted his mouth.

"Yuki is downstairs, she said she came to get you?"

"Oh no! I over-slept!"

Frantic, I threw back the blanket and jolted out of bed. Remembering my hand, I paused, flipping my hand back and forth - There was no burn. Was I imagining it..? Lately.. my dreams have all been so vivid and confusing. Some of them even felt like.. they were memories that did not belong to me.

"Are you okay? As your mentor, I need to know these things."

Aidou put his hands on his hips and I couldn't help but smile.

"It's a Sunday night, Mika. Maybe you should cancel whatever plans you have with Yuki and get some more sleep. Tomorrow is Valentines Day and it's a bit stressful."

I rolled my eyes at the blonde vampire and continued to search for a quick outfit.

"I don't want to sleep right now.. Besides, I won't turn down Yuki."

I hid behind the dressing screen in my room and quickly changed.

"And what do you mean Valentines Day is stressful?"

I asked, while zipping up my skirt.

Valentines Day was an unpleasant day for me anyway. Everyone thinks of chocolates and love, but I can only remember the last time I saw my father. Which only explains the dream, but it was never that intense and so.. pieced together, like I was reliving the moment. It was ten years ago, so I was six at the time. I was grieving my mother's death, alone, as I can still picture my heartbroken, utterly depressed father. He wouldn't move for days. Until he came to me early on the morning of Valentines Day and fell to his knees. And as my father kissed my forehead, I remember he told me he loved me and my mother so much and he had to go away for a while, but he'd be back. His name was Amon. Later that night, I woke to a raging fire. I tried to save anyone that I could, as I ran throughout the burning orphanage, my regenerating body keeping me alive. But the fire consumed everything and everyone almost instantly. I was alone.

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