Chapter 2 - why i was worried

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*Flashback, some weeks ago*


"Who will be there ?"

"Hayden, Jayden, Brynn , Carson and some others. Don't worry you will know people.
The boys from the soccer team always bring their girlfriends"

I sighted.

Okay, why not. I nodded.
Jayden and Brynn are coming too.

His smile brightened up.

He peeked my cheek.


As we walked inside, some of his friends came over to say hello.
I just knew 2 of them.
And i couldn't see Jayden or Brynn anywhere. Great.

"Hey Julianna"

A girly, high-pitched voice made me turn around.

"Halsey. I didn't knew you still existed after you got kicked out of school"

She chuckled while curling her hair with her perfect manicured fingers.
"I knew you would be happy to see me again"

"What do you even want here? And why are you talking to me ?"

"Oh, i just wanted to say hi to an old friend"

I rolled my eyes at her.

She was my best friend, i know her since we were 3. We did everything together, her family was like a second for me.

One day she decided to make out with my boyfriend at the girls bathroom.
And as I told her our friendship is over, she started to tell bitchy rumors about me at school and in dance class.

I talked to my mom after 3 months of being bullied by her, and she went to the principal. After he talked to Halsey, I never saw her again.

Not that I care about her.

I'm just asking myself why she is here again.

Someone grabbed my waist and leaned his head against mine.

Halsey's eyes widened and she stared at John.

"Don't you want to introduce us"
She smiled evilish.

"John that's Halsey, an old friend. Halsey that's Johnny my boyfriend"

She smiled and hugged him.

I gasped.

"You still don't have a boyfriend right?
I mean who want such a bitchy girl like you"

She rolled her eyes.
"Last time I saw you, you were better at this"

With that she turned around on her high heels and walked away to some boys.

I groaned.

"She seems nice. What's up between you two ?"

"It's her."

"She was your best friend ?"

"Yep" I popped the p at the end.
[ a/n  o my god I love doing that haha]

His mouth formed an 'o'

"Don't think about her okay ? Let's sit down"

"Brynn, Jayden, finally.
I waited for you !!"

"Sorry, i forgot to call you"

We hugged and sat down, exchanging gossip.

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