Chapter 1 - I love you. I really do.

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"Cmon babe, you look good as always. We're gonna be late ! I promised Hayden to be on time"

I still stood in front of the mirror, looking critically at myself.

He stood up to wrap his arms around my waist while breathing and mumbling into my neck.

I chuckled. "Stop tickling me !!"
I turned around to face his emerald green eyes.

They never failed for me to get lost in them. "Anns, I love you. I really do." 

"I know. And you know I do too."

He gave me a soft kiss and pulled away slowly, only to turn me around to get ready.

I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs to chase after him.

As we arrived Hayden already talked to some guys while holding on to a beer. He walked up to greet us.

"Ou, Anns you look gorgeous!!" He smiled at me. He was my best friend. The best any girl could ever ask for.

"See I told you. Let's go get some drinks" Johnny pulled me softly with him.

As we entered, the music was blasting and I could see Brynn and Jayden dancing.

"I'll be back" I whispered at Johnny as he nodded and sipped at a red cup what smelled like Wodka.

Wow. After 1 minute he starts to drink.

Okay that's not the first time, but normally he starts with beer and later maybe takes some Wodka.

I know i shouldn't worry about some stuff like that, it's only that if Johnny drinks too much he's out of control. You can never know what 
he is doing or planning.

When we were first together and he was drunk, he bought some flowers and told all his friends who much he loved me and how happy he is with me. That was very cute.

When he was drunk 1 month ago, he got in a fight with my Ex. And that's what I'm worrying about.

I made my way to my best friends on the dance floor.

"Hey Girls !"
"Anns !"

We hugged and I joined them dancing.
Some minutes later, Brynn already made out with someone.

"I though she and Carson just got back together" Jayden rolled their eyes at my comment.

"You know it's an 'on-off-kind-of-thing' how Brynn calls it. He ditched her yesterday night."

[Sorry Cars' you're a good boy , love you]

I formed an "O" with my lips.

"By the way, where's your boy ?"

" Good question I left him in the kitchen. I'm going to search him"

I turned around and bumped into Carson.
He looked kind of angry.

"Hey-are you okay ?"

"Why is she already making out with somebody new-I mean"

"Sorry Cars' but didn't you ditch her the fourth time in 2 weeks ? I mean, I can understand she just wants to get over it again. She is heartbroken, don't you understand that ?"

He nodded, looking down.

"And have you seen Johnny, haven't seen him in awhile"

"I think he's outside with the boys"

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